Class Braillo440SFEmbosser

    • Constructor Detail

      • Braillo440SFEmbosser

        public Braillo440SFEmbosser​(TableCatalogService service,
                                    EmbosserFactoryProperties props)
        Creates a new Braillo 440 SF embosser.
        service - the table catalog
        props - the embosser properties
    • Method Detail

      • setFeature

        public void setFeature​(String key,
                               Object value)
        Description copied from class: AbstractEmbosser
        Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. If the map previously contained a mapping for this key, the old value is replaced.
        Specified by:
        setFeature in interface Factory
        setFeature in class AbstractEmbosser
        key - key with which the specified value is to be associated.
        value - value to be associated with the specified key.
      • supportsPageFormat

        public boolean supportsPageFormat​(PageFormat pageFormat)
        Description copied from interface: Embosser
        Returns true if the page format is supported.
        pageFormat - the page format
        returns true if the page format is supported, false otherwise
      • supportsPaper

        public boolean supportsPaper​(Paper paper)
        Description copied from interface: Embosser
        Returns thue if the paper is supported.
        paper - the paper
        returns true if the paper is supported, false otherwise
      • supportsPrintMode

        public boolean supportsPrintMode​(EmbosserProperties.PrintMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: EmbosserProperties
        Returns true if this embosser supports magazine layout. This indicates that the embosser can reorder pages and emboss two pages side-by-side on the same side of the paper (and two more on the other side), so that a readable document is created by stapling and folding the output stack in the middle.
        mode - the print mode
        returns true if this embosser supports magazine layout, false otherwise.