Class Braillo440SFEmbosser
- java.lang.Object
- org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.AbstractFactory
- org.daisy.braille.utils.impl.provider.braillo.BrailloEmbosser
- org.daisy.braille.utils.impl.provider.braillo.AbstractBraillo440Embosser
- org.daisy.braille.utils.impl.provider.braillo.Braillo440SFEmbosser
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class Braillo440SFEmbosser extends AbstractBraillo440Embosser
Provides a Braillo 440 SF embosser.- See Also:
- Serialized Form
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserProperties
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.daisy.braille.utils.impl.provider.braillo.AbstractBraillo440Embosser
Fields inherited from class
defaultTable, setTable, tableCatalogService
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description Braillo440SFEmbosser(TableCatalogService service, EmbosserFactoryProperties props)
Creates a new Braillo 440 SF embosser.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description void
setFeature(String key, Object value)
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.boolean
supportsPageFormat(PageFormat pageFormat)
Returns true if the page format is supported.boolean
supportsPaper(Paper paper)
Returns thue if the paper is supported.boolean
supportsPrintMode(EmbosserProperties.PrintMode mode)
Returns true if this embosser supports magazine layout.-
Methods inherited from class org.daisy.braille.utils.impl.provider.braillo.AbstractBraillo440Embosser
getCellWidth, getPrintableArea, getPrintPage, newEmbosserWriter, newEmbosserWriter, supports8dot, supportsAligning, supportsDuplex, supportsPrintPage, supportsVolumes, supportsZFolding
Methods inherited from class org.daisy.braille.utils.impl.provider.braillo.BrailloEmbosser
getCellHeight, getTableFilter
Methods inherited from class
getFeature, getMake, getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getModel, getPageFormat, getProperty, supportsTable, toString
Methods inherited from class org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.AbstractFactory
getDescription, getDisplayName, getIdentifier
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties
getDescription, getDisplayName, getIdentifier
Constructor Detail
public Braillo440SFEmbosser(TableCatalogService service, EmbosserFactoryProperties props)
Creates a new Braillo 440 SF embosser.- Parameters:
- the table catalogprops
- the embosser properties
Method Detail
public void setFeature(String key, Object value)
Description copied from class:AbstractEmbosser
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. If the map previously contained a mapping for this key, the old value is replaced.- Specified by:
in interfaceFactory
- Overrides:
in classAbstractEmbosser
- Parameters:
- key with which the specified value is to be associated.value
- value to be associated with the specified key.
public boolean supportsPageFormat(PageFormat pageFormat)
Description copied from interface:Embosser
Returns true if the page format is supported.- Parameters:
- the page format- Returns:
- returns true if the page format is supported, false otherwise
public boolean supportsPaper(Paper paper)
Description copied from interface:Embosser
Returns thue if the paper is supported.- Parameters:
- the paper- Returns:
- returns true if the paper is supported, false otherwise
public boolean supportsPrintMode(EmbosserProperties.PrintMode mode)
Description copied from interface:EmbosserProperties
Returns true if this embosser supports magazine layout. This indicates that the embosser can reorder pages and emboss two pages side-by-side on the same side of the paper (and two more on the other side), so that a readable document is created by stapling and folding the output stack in the middle.- Parameters:
- the print mode- Returns:
- returns true if this embosser supports magazine layout, false otherwise.