Class InternalContract

  • public class InternalContract
    extends Object
    Provides a usage contract that allows an implementation of EmbosserWriter to optimize or configure the communication based on properties of the actual data.
    • Method Detail

      • getBrailleRange

        public InternalContract.BrailleRange getBrailleRange()
        Gets the braille range in this Contract.
        returns the braille range
      • getPages

        public Integer getPages()
        Gets the number of pages in this contract.
        returns the number of pages, or null if not set
      • getRowGaps

        public Set<Integer> getRowGaps()
        Gets the row gaps in this contract.
        returns the row gaps that will be used
      • onlySimpleRowgaps

        public boolean onlySimpleRowgaps()
        Returns true if all row gaps in this contract are equal to full lines, In other words, row gaps that can be replaced with new lines.
        true if all row gaps are full lines, false otherwise