Class SimpleEmbosserProperties

    • Method Detail

      • with

        public static SimpleEmbosserProperties.Builder with​(int maxWidth,
                                                            int maxHeight)
        Creates a new SimpleEmbosserProperties builder with all "supports" properties set to false and cell width = 6 and cell height = 10.
        maxWidth - the maximum width, in characters
        maxHeight - the maximum height, in rows
        returns a new builder
      • supportsAligning

        public boolean supportsAligning()
        Description copied from interface: EmbosserWriterProperties
        Returns true if this embosser supports aligning. This indicates that rows can be padded with whitespace to move the text block horizontally using the value returned by getMaxWidth. Should return true for all physical embossers, since they all have a finite row length.
        Specified by:
        supportsAligning in interface EmbosserWriterProperties
        returns true if this embosser supports aligning, false otherwise.
      • getCellWidth

        public double getCellWidth()
        Gets the cell width, in millimeters.
        returns the cell width, in millimeters
      • getCellHeight

        public double getCellHeight()
        Gets the cell height (4 x the vertical dot-to-dot distance), in millimeters.
        returns the cell height, in millimeters