Class EmbosserBrailleConverter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class EmbosserBrailleConverter
    extends Object
    implements BrailleConverter
    Provides a simple TableConverter implementation. It provides a one-to-one mapping between braille and text and vice versa.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EmbosserBrailleConverter

        public EmbosserBrailleConverter​(String table,
                                        Charset charset,
                                        EightDotFallbackMethod fallback,
                                        char replacement,
                                        boolean ignoreCase)
        Creates a new EmbosserBrailleConverter.
        table - the characters in the table, in Unicode order. Must contain 64 or 256 characters.
        charset - the preferred charset as defined in the BrailleConverter interface
        fallback - the fallback method to use when encountering a character in the range 0x2840-0x28FF
        replacement - the replacement character, must be in the range 0x2800-0x283F
        ignoreCase - set to true to ignore character case
        IllegalArgumentException - if the table length isn't equal to 64 or 256.
      • EmbosserBrailleConverter

        public EmbosserBrailleConverter​(String table,
                                        Charset charset,
                                        EightDotFallbackMethod fallback,
                                        char replacement,
                                        boolean ignoreCase,
                                        Map<Character,​Character> t2bSupplements)
        Creates a new EmbosserBrailleConverter.
        table - the characters in the table, in Unicode order. Must contain 64 or 256 characters.
        charset - the preferred charset as defined in the BrailleConverter interface
        fallback - the fallback method to use when encountering a character in the range 0x2840-0x28FF
        replacement - the replacement character, must be in the range 0x2800-0x283F
        ignoreCase - set to true to ignore character case
        t2bSupplements - additional substitutions for text to braille translation. Values MUST be braille characters.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the table length isn't equal to 64 or 256 or if supplements values are not braille characters.
    • Method Detail

      • getPreferredCharset

        public Charset getPreferredCharset()
        Description copied from interface: BrailleConverter
        Gets the preferred charset for this braille format when reading/writing as text from/to file.
        Specified by:
        getPreferredCharset in interface BrailleConverter
        returns the preferred charset
      • supportsEightDot

        public boolean supportsEightDot()
        Description copied from interface: BrailleConverter
        Returns true if 8-dot braille is supported, false otherwise.
        Specified by:
        supportsEightDot in interface BrailleConverter
        returns true if 8-dot braille is supported, false otherwise
      • toBraille

        public String toBraille​(String text)
        Description copied from interface: BrailleConverter
        Transcodes the given text string as braille. This may be a one-to-one mapping or a many-to-one depending on the table implementation.
        Specified by:
        toBraille in interface BrailleConverter
        text - the text to convert
        returns a Unicode string of braille
      • toText

        public String toText​(String braille)
        Description copied from interface: BrailleConverter
        Transcodes the given braille into text.

        In most cases this will reverse the effect of toBraille(String text), i.e. text.equals(toText(toBraille(text))), however an implementation cannot rely on it.

        Values must be between 0x2800 and 0x28FF.

        Specified by:
        toText in interface BrailleConverter
        braille - the braille to convert
        returns a text string