Class PEFFileBatchCompare

  • public class PEFFileBatchCompare
    extends Object
    Provides comparing of two folders with xml files for differences. Meta data in the files is ignored when comparing.

    A flat organization of files is assumed.

    Warnings are generated if stray files are found (a file with the same name cannot be found in the other folder) or if the folders contain folders or files not matching the file filter.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PEFFileBatchCompare

        public PEFFileBatchCompare​(FileFilter filter,
                                   NormalizationResource nr)
        Creates a new batch comparator with the specified file filter and normalization.
        filter - the filter
        nr - the normalization resource, an xslt
      • PEFFileBatchCompare

        public PEFFileBatchCompare​(FileFilter filter,
                                   Supplier<InputStream> nr)
        Creates a new batch comparator with the specified file filter and normalization.
        filter - the filter
        nr - the normalization resource, an xslt
      • PEFFileBatchCompare

        public PEFFileBatchCompare​(FileFilter filter)
        Creates a new batch comparator with the specified file filter. No normalization will be applied. To apply a normalization, use PEFFileBatchCompare(FileFilter, Supplier)
        filter - the filter
    • Method Detail

      • getUnbraillerTable

        public String getUnbraillerTable()
        Gets the identifier for the unbrailler table.
        the table identifier
      • setUnbraillerTable

        public void setUnbraillerTable​(String unbraillerTable)
        Sets the identifier for the unbrailler table.
        unbraillerTable - the table
      • getNotices

        public List<String> getNotices()
        Gets a list of notices.
        a list of notices
      • getWarnings

        public List<String> getWarnings()
        Gets a list of warnings.
        a list of warnings
      • getOk

        public List<String> getOk()
        Gets a list of matching file pairs.
        a list of matching file pairs
      • checkedCount

        public int checkedCount()
        Gets the number of pairs checked.
        the number of pairs checked