Class PEFSearchIndex

  • public class PEFSearchIndex
    extends SearchIndex<PEFBook>
    Provides a search index for PEFBook objects.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PEFSearchIndex

        public PEFSearchIndex()
        Creates a new pef search index.
      • PEFSearchIndex

        public PEFSearchIndex​(int exclude)
        Creates a new pef search index with the specified limit.
        exclude - the sub word limit, in other words the shortest substrings that will match the search term. For example, if the limit is 3, a search for "li" will not match entries containing the string "limit"
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(PEFBook p)
        Adds a PEFBook to the index.
        p - the book to add