Class FormatterConfiguration

  • public class FormatterConfiguration
    extends Object
    Provides global settings for a formatter.
    • Method Detail

      • with

        public static FormatterConfiguration.Builder with​(String locale,
                                                          String mode)
        Creates a new builder with the specified properties.
        locale - the locale
        mode - the braille translation mode
        returns a new builder
      • getTranslationMode

        public String getTranslationMode()
        Gets the translation mode.
        returns the translation mode
      • getLocale

        public String getLocale()
        Gets the locale.
        returns the locale
      • isAllowingTextOverflowTrimming

        public boolean isAllowingTextOverflowTrimming()
        Returns true if text that overflows is allowed to be truncated, false otherwise.
        returns true if text that overflows is allowed, false otherwise
      • allowsEndingPageOnHyphen

        public boolean allowsEndingPageOnHyphen()
        Returns true if the last line (of the main flow) in each page may be hyphenated, if necessary.
        returns true if the last line may be hyphenated, false otherwise
      • allowsEndingVolumeOnHyphen

        public boolean allowsEndingVolumeOnHyphen()
        Returns true if the last line (of the main flow) in each volume may be hyphenated, if necessary.
        returns true if the last line may be hyphenated, false otherwise
      • isHyphenating

        public boolean isHyphenating()
        Returns true if the formatter is hyphenating.
        returns true if the formatter is hyphenating, false otherwise
      • isMarkingCapitalLetters

        public boolean isMarkingCapitalLetters()
        Returns true if capital letters should be marked, false otherwise.
        returns true if capital letters should be marked, false otherwise
      • getIgnoredStyles

        public Set<String> getIgnoredStyles()
        Gets a set of ignored styles.
        returns the set of ignored styles