Interface TransitionBuilder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TransitionBuilder

    Provides a definition for volume transitions. A volume transition indicates that the rows on the last page or sheet of the volume may be moved in order to avoid breaking the volume inside a sentence or a paragraph.

    When volume transition processing is activated, an implementation should break between paragraphs and, only if that's not possible, between sentences.

    Content added to the BlockContentBuilders returned by the methods of this interface should be inserted when the text transitions from one volume to the next if and only if the page layout is affected by a particular volume transition. If the page layout is not affected, template contents should not be inserted. For example, if the volume transition takes place between two sequences.

    Volume transition processing is deactivated by default. To activate, set the TransitionBuilderProperties.ApplicationRange using the method setProperties(TransitionBuilderProperties).

    • Method Detail

      • getProperties

        TransitionBuilderProperties getProperties()
        Gets the properties for this transition builder.
        returns the properties
      • setProperties

        void setProperties​(TransitionBuilderProperties props)
        Sets the properties for this transition builder.
        props - the properties
      • getBlockResumedBuilder

        BlockContentBuilder getBlockResumedBuilder()
        Gets the builder for contents to add when a block is resumed after a volume break.
        returns a builder for content.
      • getBlockInterruptedBuilder

        BlockContentBuilder getBlockInterruptedBuilder()
        Gets the builder for contents to add when a block is interrupted before a volume break.
        returns a builder for content.
      • getSequenceResumedBuilder

        BlockBuilder getSequenceResumedBuilder()
        Gets the builder for contents to add when a sequence is resumed after a volume break.
        returns a builder for content.
      • getSequenceInterruptedBuilder

        BlockBuilder getSequenceInterruptedBuilder()
        Gets the builder for contents to add when a sequence is interrupted before a volume break.
        returns a builder for content.
      • getAnyResumedBuilder

        BlockBuilder getAnyResumedBuilder()
        Gets the builder for contents to add whenever a volume is resumed after a volume break. This is added before any other transition (if applicable).
        returns a builder for content.
      • getAnyInterruptedBuilder

        BlockBuilder getAnyInterruptedBuilder()
        Gets the builder for contents to add whenever a volume is interrupted before a volume break. This is added after any other transition (if applicable).
        returns a builder for content.