Class BrailleGraphics

  • public class BrailleGraphics
    extends Object
    Provides basic braille graphics support using standard braille patterns.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BrailleGraphics

        public BrailleGraphics​(boolean eightDot)
        Creates a new instance of braille graphics, with either full 8-dot or 6-dot patterns.
        eightDot - true if full 8-dot patterns should be used, false otherwise.
    • Method Detail

      • renderGraphics

        public List<String> renderGraphics​(Raster r)
        Renders the raster using braille characters. It is assumed, in both 6-dot and 8-dot mode, that the next line follows directly after the previous line ends. In other words, no pixels are skipped in either mode. To get a better diagonal representation in 6-dot mode, render in 8-dot mode and filter the result using sixDotFilter.
        r - the raster to render
        a braille image using characters in the range 0x2800-0x28FF or 0x2800-0x283F
      • sixDotFilter

        public static List<String> sixDotFilter​(List<String> input)
        Filters the input braille image by discarding dots 7 and 8.
        input - the braille input, characters in the range 0x2800-0x28FF
        the filtered braille image, characters in the range 0x2800-0x283F
      • combine

        public static List<String> combine​(List<String> background,
                                           List<String> overlay,
                                           int x,
                                           int y)
        Combines two braille images by combining characters from the two input images. The overlay image overwrites a portion of the background image where it is placed. Bounds checking is performed to ensure that the overlay image is placed completely within the size of the background data.
        background - the image onto which data is to be placed
        overlay - the image to place onto the background
        x - the overlay offset in characters
        y - the overlay offset in rows
        returns the combined image
        IllegalArgumentException - if x or y is negative, or if the overlay are out of bounds of the background image.