Class Area

    • Constructor Detail

      • Area

        public Area​(double width,
                    double height,
                    double offsetX,
                    double offsetY)
        Creates a new area with the specified parameters.
        width - the width, in mm
        height - the height, in mm
        offsetX - the x-offset, in mm
        offsetY - the y-offset, in mm
    • Method Detail

      • getWidth

        public double getWidth()
        Description copied from interface: Dimensions
        Gets width, in mm.
        Specified by:
        getWidth in interface Dimensions
        returns width in mm.
      • getHeight

        public double getHeight()
        Description copied from interface: Dimensions
        Gets height, in mm.
        Specified by:
        getHeight in interface Dimensions
        returns height in mm.
      • getOffsetX

        public double getOffsetX()
        Gets the x-offset.
        returns the x-offset, in mm
      • getOffsetY

        public double getOffsetY()
        Gets the y-offset.
        returns the y-offset, in mm