Interface Integer2TextFactoryService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    EnglishInteger2TextFactoryService, Integer2TextFactoryServiceImpl, SwedishInteger2TextFactoryService

    public interface Integer2TextFactoryService

    Provides an interface for a Integer2TextFactory service. The purpose of this interface is to expose an implementation of a Integer2TextFactory as a service.

    To comply with this interface, an implementation must be thread safe and address both the possibility that only a single instance is created and used throughout and that new instances are created as desired.

    • Method Detail

      • supportsLocale

        boolean supportsLocale​(String locale)
        Returns true if this instance can create instances for the specified locale.
        locale - a valid locale as defined by IETF RFC 3066
        returns true if the specified locale is supported, false otherwise
      • listLocales

        Collection<String> listLocales()
        Returns a list of supported locales as defined by IETF RFC 3066.
        returns a list of locales
      • newFactory

        Integer2TextFactory newFactory()
        Creates a new integer to text factory.
        returns a new factory
      • setCreatedWithSPI

        default void setCreatedWithSPI()

        Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory. In other words, it was created using SPI (service provider interfaces).

        This information, in turn, enables the implementation to use the same mechanism to set dependencies as needed.

        If this information is not given, an implementation should avoid using SPIs and instead use declarative services for dependency injection as specified by OSGi. Note that this also applies to several newInstance() methods in the Java API.

        The class that created an instance with SPI must call this method before putting it to use.