Interface PrecedingText

    • Method Detail

      • resolve

        String resolve()
        Resolves the item. Once the value has been resolved, it cannot change between calls in the same context.
        the value, never null
      • getLocale

        Optional<String> getLocale()

        Gets the locale for the text, if specified.

        Note that this method returns the language that the text is written in. It does not imply association with a particular translator or braille code.

        an optional containing the locale, never null
      • shouldHyphenate

        boolean shouldHyphenate()
        Returns true if the text should be hyphenated.
        true if the text should be hyphenated, false otherwise
      • shouldMarkCapitalLetters

        boolean shouldMarkCapitalLetters()
        Returns true if the text should mark capital letters.
        true if the capital letters should be marked, false otherwise