Class TextBorderFactoryMaker

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TextBorderFactoryMaker
    extends Object
    implements TextBorderFactoryMakerService
    Provides a text border factory maker. This class will look for implementations of the TextBorderFactory interface using the services API. It will return the first implementation that matches the requested specification.

    This class can be overridden by extending it and adding a reference to the new implementation to the services API. This class will then choose the new implementation when a new instance is requested.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextBorderFactoryMaker

        public TextBorderFactoryMaker()
        Creates a new text border factory maker.
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        public static TextBorderFactoryMakerService newInstance()

        Creates a new TextBorderFactoryMaker and populates it using the SPI (java service provider interface).

        In an OSGi context, an instance should be retrieved using the service registry. It will be registered under the TextBorderFactoryMakerService interface.

        returns a new marker processor factory maker.
      • addFactory

        public void addFactory​(TextBorderFactoryService factory)
        Adds a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework).
        factory - the factory to add
      • removeFactory

        public void removeFactory​(TextBorderFactoryService factory)
        Removes a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework).
        factory - the factory to remove