Interface SplitPointUnit

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SplitPointUnit
    Provides an interface for split point units.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean collapsesWith​(Object obj)
      Returns true if this unit can collapse with the other object.
      float getLastUnitSize()
      Gets the size of the unit if it is the last unit.
      List<String> getSupplementaryIDs()
      Gets the supplementary IDs for this unit.
      float getUnitSize()
      Gets the size of the unit.
      boolean isBreakable()
      Returns true if this unit is allowed to be the last unit in a result.
      boolean isCollapsible()
      Returns true if this unit can be excluded if an adjoining object collapsesWith this unit, but has a greater size.
      boolean isSkippable()
      Returns true if this unit is skippable if it overflows the result.
    • Method Detail

      • isBreakable

        boolean isBreakable()
        Returns true if this unit is allowed to be the last unit in a result.
        returns true if the unit is breakable, false otherwise
      • isSkippable

        boolean isSkippable()
        Returns true if this unit is skippable if it overflows the result.
        returns true if the unit is skippable, false otherwise
      • isCollapsible

        boolean isCollapsible()
        Returns true if this unit can be excluded if an adjoining object collapsesWith this unit, but has a greater size.
        true if the unit is collapsible, false otherwise
      • collapsesWith

        boolean collapsesWith​(Object obj)
        Returns true if this unit can collapse with the other object.
        obj - the other object
        true if the objects can collapse, false otherwise
      • getUnitSize

        float getUnitSize()
        Gets the size of the unit.
        returns the size of the unit
      • getLastUnitSize

        float getLastUnitSize()
        Gets the size of the unit if it is the last unit.
        returns the size of the unit when placed last in the result.
      • getSupplementaryIDs

        List<String> getSupplementaryIDs()
        Gets the supplementary IDs for this unit.
        returns a list of the supplementary IDs