Class XMLTools

  • public class XMLTools
    extends Object
    Provides some xml tools.
    • Method Detail

      • getDeclaredEncoding

        public static Optional<String> getDeclaredEncoding​(String text)
        Gets the declared encoding from the given string. If the string doesn't start with an XML declaration, an empty optional is returned.
        text - the xml
        returns a string with the declared encoding
      • detectXmlEncoding

        public static String detectXmlEncoding​(byte[] data)
                                        throws XmlEncodingDetectionException
        Detects XML encoding based on this algorithm: In accordance with this specification, it is assumed that the XML declaration is not preceded by whitespace (if present). Note that some encodings mentioned in the specification are not supported because they are not supported by the JVM.
        data - the input bytes
        returns the name of the detected charset
        IllegalArgumentException - if the length of the data is less than 4 bytes
        XmlEncodingMismatchException - if the declared encoding doesn't match the detected encoding and the detected encoding is an exact match
        XmlEncodingDetectionException - if detection fails
      • detectBomEncoding

        public static Optional<Charset> detectBomEncoding​(byte[] data)
        Tries to detect a Unicode encoding from the supplied data based on the presence of a BOM. If the file doesn't start with a BOM, an empty optional is returned.
        data - the data to detect encoding on
        returns the encoding detected from the BOM
        UnsupportedCharsetException - if the charset could be detected but not created
      • transform

        public static void transform​(Object source,
                                     Object result,
                                     Object xslt,
                                     Map<String,​Object> params)
                              throws XMLToolsException

        Transforms the xml with the specified parameters. By default, this method will set up a caching entity resolver, which will reduce the amount of fetching of dtd's from the Internet.

        This method will attempt to create Source and Result objects from the supplied source, result and xslt objects. This process supports several types of objects from which Sources and Results are typically created, such as files, strings and URLs.

        This method will create its own instance of a transformer factory.

        source - the source xml
        result - the result xml
        xslt - the xslt
        params - xslt parameters
        XMLToolsException - if the transformation is unsuccessful
      • transform

        public static void transform​(Object source,
                                     Object result,
                                     Object xslt,
                                     Map<String,​Object> params,
                                     TransformerFactory factory)
                              throws XMLToolsException

        Transforms the xml with the specified parameters. By default, this method will set up a caching entity resolver, which will reduce the amount of fetching of dtd's from the Internet.

        This method will attempt to create Source and Result objects from the supplied source, result and xslt objects. This process supports several types of objects from which Sources and Results are typically created, such as files, strings and URLs.

        source - the source xml
        result - the result xml
        xslt - the xslt
        params - xslt parameters
        factory - the transformer factory
        XMLToolsException - if the transformation is unsuccessful
      • transform

        public static void transform​(Source source,
                                     Result result,
                                     Source xslt,
                                     Map<String,​Object> params)
                              throws XMLToolsException
        Transforms the xml with the specified parameters. By default, this method will set up a caching entity resolver, which will reduce the amount of fetching of dtd's from the Internet.

        This method will create its own instance of a transformer factory.

        source - the source xml
        result - the result xml
        xslt - the xslt
        params - xslt parameters
        XMLToolsException - if the transformation is unsuccessful
      • transform

        public static void transform​(Source source,
                                     Result result,
                                     Source xslt,
                                     Map<String,​Object> params,
                                     TransformerFactory factory)
                              throws XMLToolsException

        Transforms the xml with the specified parameters. By default, this method will set up a caching entity resolver, which will reduce the amount of fetching of dtd's from the Internet.

        source - the source xml
        result - the result xml
        xslt - the xslt
        params - xslt parameters
        factory - the transformer factory
        XMLToolsException - if the transformation is unsuccessful
      • transform

        public static <T extends Exception> void transform​(Object source,
                                                           Object result,
                                                           Object xslt,
                                                           TransformerEnvironment<T> env)
                                                    throws T extends Exception

        Transforms the xml with the specified parameters. By default, this method will set up a caching entity resolver, which will reduce the amount of fetching of dtd's from the Internet.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of exception thrown
        source - the source xml
        result - the result xml
        xslt - the xslt
        env - the transformer environment
        T - if the transformation is unsuccessful
        T extends Exception
      • transform

        public static <T extends Exception> void transform​(Source source,
                                                           Result result,
                                                           Source xslt,
                                                           TransformerEnvironment<T> env)
                                                    throws T extends Exception

        Transforms the xml with the specified parameters. By default, this method will set up a caching entity resolver, which will reduce the amount of fetching of dtd's from the Internet.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of exception thrown
        source - the source xml
        result - the result xml
        xslt - the xslt
        env - the transformer environment
        T - if the transformation is unsuccessful
        T extends Exception
      • isWellformedXML

        public static final boolean isWellformedXML​(File f)
                                             throws XMLToolsException
        Returns true if the specified file is well formed XML.
        f - the file
        returns true if the file is well formed XML, false otherwise
        XMLToolsException - if a parser cannot be configured or if parsing fails
      • isWellformedXML

        public static final boolean isWellformedXML​(URI uri)
                                             throws XMLToolsException
        Returns true if the contents at the specified URI is well formed XML.
        uri - the URI
        returns true if the contents at the specified URI is well formed XML, false otherwise
        XMLToolsException - if a parser cannot be configured or if parsing fails
      • isWellformedXML

        public static final boolean isWellformedXML​(InputSource source)
                                             throws XMLToolsException
        Returns true if the specified source is well formed XML.
        source - the source
        returns true if the source is well formed XML, false otherwise
        XMLToolsException - if a parser cannot be configured or if parsing fails
      • parseXML

        public static final XMLInfo parseXML​(File f)
                                      throws XMLToolsException
        Asserts that the specified file is well formed and returns some root node information.
        f - the file
        returns the root node, or null if file is not well formed
        XMLToolsException - if a parser cannot be configured or if parsing fails
      • parseXML

        public static final XMLInfo parseXML​(URI uri)
                                      throws XMLToolsException
        Asserts that the contents at the specified URI is well formed and returns some root node information.
        uri - the URI
        returns the root node, or null if the contents at the specified URI is not well formed
        XMLToolsException - if a parser cannot be configured or if parsing fails
      • parseXML

        public static final XMLInfo parseXML​(InputSource source)
                                      throws XMLToolsException
        Asserts that the source is well formed and returns some root node information.
        source - the source
        returns the root node, or null if the source is not well formed
        XMLToolsException - if a parser cannot be configured or if parsing fails
      • parseXML

        public static final XMLInfo parseXML​(File f,
                                             boolean peek)
                                      throws XMLToolsException
        Returns some root node information and optionally asserts that the specified file is well formed.
        f - the file
        peek - true if the parsing should stop after reading the root element. If true, the file may or may not be well formed beyond the first start tag.
        returns the root node, or null if file is not well formed
        XMLToolsException - if a parser cannot be configured or if parsing fails
      • parseXML

        public static final XMLInfo parseXML​(URI uri,
                                             boolean peek)
                                      throws XMLToolsException
        Returns some root node information and optionally asserts that the contents at the specified URI is well formed.
        uri - the URI
        peek - true if the parsing should stop after reading the root element. If true, the contents at the specified URI may or may not be well formed beyond the first start tag.
        returns the root node, or null if file is not well formed
        XMLToolsException - if a parser cannot be configured or if parsing fails
      • parseXML

        public static final XMLInfo parseXML​(InputSource source,
                                             boolean peek)
                                      throws XMLToolsException
        Returns some root node information and optionally asserts that the contents at the specified source is well formed.
        source - the source
        peek - true if the parsing should stop after reading the root element. If true, the source may or may not be well formed beyond the first start tag.
        returns the root node, or null if file is not well formed
        XMLToolsException - if a parser cannot be configured or if parsing fails