Class OBFLExpressionBase

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    OBFLCondition, OBFLDynamicContent

    public abstract class OBFLExpressionBase
    extends Object
    TODO: Write java doc. TODO: Remove the defaults from the OBFL specification. See
    • Constructor Detail

      • OBFLExpressionBase

        public OBFLExpressionBase​(String exp,
                                  ExpressionFactory ef,
                                  OBFLVariable... variables)
        exp - The expression string
        ef - The expression factory
        variables - The variables (zero or more) that may be used within the expression.

        Note that whether a variable will actually be assigned a value is not determined by this object. This depends on the context in which the expression is used.

        The variables OBFLVariable.STARTED_PAGE_NUMBER and OBFLVariable.STARTED_VOLUME_FIRST_CONTENT_PAGE_NUMBER cannot both be used in the same expression. At most one "meta" page number is available at any particular place in the OBFL. Which of the two is included in the variables argument does not affect the value that will be assigned, only the variable name. The value is determined by the context.