Class SheetIdentity

  • public class SheetIdentity
    extends Object
    Sheet starting at a specific location within a block.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SheetIdentity

        public SheetIdentity​(BlockLineLocation blockLineLocation,
                             Space space,
                             Integer volumeIndex,
                             Integer volumeGroup)
        Create a SheetIdentity from a BlockLineLocation. The BlockLineLocation points to the last line of the preceding sheet within the current volume group or pre-/post-content section. Additional arguments are needed to uniquely identify the sheet when it is the first of the current volume group or pre-/post-content section.
        blockLineLocation - location of the last line of the preceding sheet within the current volume group or pre-/post-content section, or null if there is no preceding sheet.
        space - the space (Space.BODY, Space.PRE_CONTENT or Space.POST_CONTENT).
        volumeIndex - the volume index if space is Space.PRE_CONTENT or Space.POST_CONTENT.
        volumeGroup - the volume group index if space is Space.BODY.