Class VolumeData

  • public final class VolumeData
    extends Object

    Provides basic volume data for identifiers.

    Identifiers are used to mark data in the content so that it is possible to refer to the place in the content where the identifier occurs after the document has been processed. This class lists the volume related properties of identifiers that we need elsewhere in the code.

    • Constructor Detail

      • VolumeData

        public VolumeData​(int volumeNumber,
                          boolean atStartOfVolumeContents)
    • Method Detail

      • getVolumeNumber

        public int getVolumeNumber()
        Get the volume number where an identifier is placed in the content.
        the volume number
      • isAtStartOfVolumeContents

        public boolean isAtStartOfVolumeContents()
        Indicates whether an identifier is placed at the start of the volume contents. This information is used in the processing of toc-entry-on-resumed elements.
        whether the location of an identifier is at the start of the volume contents
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object