Class SheetGroupManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • SheetGroupManager

        public SheetGroupManager()
        Creates a new sheet group manager.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public SheetGroup add()
        Creates a new sheet group, adds it to the manager and returns it.
        returns the new sheet group
      • atIndex

        public SheetGroup atIndex​(int index)
        Gets the sheet group at the given index, zero based.
        index - the index, zero based
        returns the sheet group
      • currentGroup

        public SheetGroup currentGroup()
        Gets the currently active group.
        returns the current group
      • nextVolume

        public void nextVolume()
        Informs the manager that a new volume has started. If the current group's splitter has reached its target number of volumes (as counted by previous calls to this method), the group following that is activated.
      • resetAll

        public void resetAll()
        Resets the state of this manager.
      • hasNext

        public boolean hasNext()
        Returns true if there is content left.
        returns true if the manager has content, false otherwise
      • countTotalSheets

        public int countTotalSheets()
        Counts the total number of sheets. Note: only use after all volumes have been calculated.
        returns the sheet count
      • getVolumeCount

        public int getVolumeCount()
        Gets the total number of volumes.
        returns the total number of volumes