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AbstractFactory - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.factory
Provides an abstract class for Factories.
AbstractFactory(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.AbstractFactory
Creates a new AbstractFactory with the supplied values.
AbstractPageFormat - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides an abstract page format
AbstractPageFormat() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.AbstractPageFormat
AbstractPaper - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides a default implementation for Paper.
AbstractPaper(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.AbstractPaper
Creates a new paper.
accept(FactoryProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryFilter
Tests if a specified object should be included in a list.
accept(Paper) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperFilter
Tests if a specified object should be included in a list.
add(AttributeWithContext) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultAttributeWithContext.Builder
Adds a text attribute to the list of attributes
add(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultAttributeWithContext.Builder
Adds a new attribute with the specified width
add(TextAttribute) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultTextAttribute.Builder
Adds a text attribute to the list of attributes
add(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultTextAttribute.Builder
Adds a new attribute with the specified width
addChars(CharSequence, TextProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Add chars to the current block
addFactory(EmbosserProvider) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalog
Adds a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
addFactory(HyphenatorFactoryService) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryMaker
Adds a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
addFactory(PaperProvider) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
Adds a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
addFactory(TableProvider) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableCatalog
Adds a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
addFactory(Integer2TextFactoryService) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryMaker
Adds a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
addFactory(BrailleFilterFactoryService) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryMaker
Adds a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
addFactory(BrailleTranslatorFactoryService) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker
Adds a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
addFactory(TextBorderFactoryService) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderFactoryMaker
Adds a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
addFactory(PagedMediaWriterFactoryService) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryMaker
Adds a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
addFallback(FallbackRule) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageAreaProperties.Builder
Adds a fallback rule.
addIndicator(String, String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicatorRegion.Builder
Adds a new marker indicator.
addNewRollPaper(String, String, Length) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
addNewRollPaper(String, String, Length) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalogService
Adds a new roll paper to the collection.
addNewSheetPaper(String, String, Length, Length) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
addNewSheetPaper(String, String, Length, Length) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalogService
Adds a new sheet paper to the collection.
addNewTractorPaper(String, String, Length, Length) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
addNewTractorPaper(String, String, Length, Length) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalogService
Adds a new tractor paper to the collection.
addToFooter(FieldList) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageTemplateBuilder
Adds a line to the header
addToHeader(FieldList) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageTemplateBuilder
Adds a line to the header
addToLeftMargin(MarginRegion) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageTemplateBuilder
Adds a column to the left margin of the page.
addToRightMargin(MarginRegion) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageTemplateBuilder
Adds a column to the right margin of the page.
align(BlockPosition.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockPosition.Builder
Sets the vertical alignment of the block, that is to say the row within the block that will be at the specified position.
align(FormattingTypes.Alignment) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the alignment property for the block.
align(Leader.Alignment) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Leader.Builder
Set the Alignment for Leader instances created using this builder.
align(PageAreaProperties.Alignment) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageAreaProperties.Builder
Sets the alignment of the page area on the page.
align(FormattingTypes.Alignment) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties.Builder
Sets the alignment for the block.
align(BorderSpecification.Align) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder.BuilderView
Sets the border alignment for the active edge.
align(int) - Method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification.Align
Returns the offset from the outer edge of the specified value.
align(BorderSpecification.Align) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification.Builder
Sets the border alignment.
allowsEndingVolumeOnHyphen() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration
Returns true if the last line (of the main flow) in each volume may be hyphenated, if necessary.
allowsEndingVolumeOnHyphen(boolean) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration.Builder
Sets the hyphenation policy for the last line (of the main flow) in each volume.
allowsTextOverflowTrimming(boolean) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration.Builder
Sets the text overflow trimming policy.
applicationRange(TransitionBuilderProperties.ApplicationRange) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilderProperties.Builder
Sets the application range for this builder.
applyToCollection() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FallbackRule
Gets the identifier of the collection that this rule should be applied to.
applyToCollection() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.RenameFallbackRule
Area - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Area(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Area
Creates a new area with the specified parameters
asInches() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length
Gets the value of this length, expressed in inch units
asMillimeter() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length
Gets the value of this length, expressed in millimeter units
asRollPaper() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.AbstractPaper
asRollPaper() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Paper
Returns this Paper as a RollPaper
asRollPaper() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.RollPaper
asRollPaperFormat() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.AbstractPageFormat
asRollPaperFormat() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PageFormat
Returns this PageFormat as a RollPaperFormat
asRollPaperFormat() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.RollPaperFormat
asSheetPaper() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.AbstractPaper
asSheetPaper() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Paper
Returns this Paper as a SheetPaper
asSheetPaper() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaper
asSheetPaperFormat() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.AbstractPageFormat
asSheetPaperFormat() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PageFormat
Returns this PageFormat as a SheetPaperFormat
asSheetPaperFormat() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat
asTractorPaper() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.AbstractPaper
asTractorPaper() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Paper
Returns this Paper as a TractorPaper
asTractorPaper() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaper
asTractorPaperFormat() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.AbstractPageFormat
asTractorPaperFormat() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PageFormat
Returns this PageFormat as a TractorPaperFormat
asTractorPaperFormat() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaperFormat
attribute(AttributeItem) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.MetaDataItem.Builder
Sets the item's attribute.
AttributeItem - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
Provides an attribute key/value combination for a meta data item.
AttributeItem(String, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.AttributeItem
Creates a new attribute item with the supplied parameters.
attributes(TextAttribute) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Translatable.Builder
Sets the text attributes for this builder
attributes(AttributeWithContext) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatableWithContext.Builder
Sets the attribute context for this builder
AttributeWithContext - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an attribute for a list of items.


beginsTableBody() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterCore
Starts the table body.
beginsTableCell(TableCellProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterCore
Starts a table cell.
beginsTableHeader() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterCore
Marks the beginning of the table header part of a table.
beginsTableRow() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterCore
Starts a table row.
BlockBuilder - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides methods that supply content in a hierarchy of blocks.
BlockContentBuilder - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides methods that supply content to a block.
blockIndent(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the block indent for the block, in characters.
BlockPosition - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Positions a block of text at a specified row.
BlockPosition.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Used when creating BlockPosition instances.
BlockPosition.VerticalAlignment - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Block alignment
BlockProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
BlockProperties defines properties specific for a block of text
BlockProperties(BlockProperties.Builder) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
BlockProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
The Builder is used when creating a BlockProperties instance.
BlockSpacing - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a spacing definition for blocks.
BlockSpacing.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a builder for block spacing.
border(TextBorderStyle) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties.Builder
Sets a border surrounding the entire page.
border(Border) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties.Builder
Sets the border
border(Border) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties.Builder
Sets the border
Border - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a border specification.
Border.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a builder for borders.
Border.Builder.BuilderView - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a view of the builder that has a specific edge selected for configuration.
BorderSpecification - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a specification for a border.
BorderSpecification.Align - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Defines border alignments
BorderSpecification.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a builder for a border specification.
BorderSpecification.Style - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Defines types of borders
bottomBorder(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle.Builder
Sets the bottom of the border
bottomLeftCorner(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle.Builder
Sets the bottom left corner
bottomMargin(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the bottom margin for the block, in characters.
bottomPadding(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the bottom padding for the block, in characters.
bottomRightCorner(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle.Builder
Sets the bottom right corner
bottomSpacing(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockSpacing.Builder
Set the bottom spacing for the block, in characters.
BRAILLE_PATTERNS_256 - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.BrailleConstants
String containing all 256 braille patterns in Unicode order
BRAILLE_PATTERNS_64 - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.BrailleConstants
String containing the 64 braille patterns in 6 dot braille in Unicode order
BrailleConstants - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.table
Provides constants for braille.
BrailleConverter - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.table
Provides an interface for converting from text to braille and vice verca.
BrailleFilter - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an interface for braille filter for a particular locale.
BrailleFilterFactory - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a factory for braille filters.
BrailleFilterFactoryMaker - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a braille filter factory maker.
BrailleFilterFactoryMaker() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryMaker
Creates a new braille filter factory maker.
BrailleFilterFactoryMakerService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an interface for a BrailleFilterFactoryMaker service.
BrailleFilterFactoryService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an interface for a BrailleFilterFactory service.
BrailleGraphics - Class in
Provides basic braille graphics support using standard braille patterns.
BrailleGraphics(boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of braille graphics, with either full 8-dot or 6-dot patterns.
BrailleTranslator - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an interface for braille translation and hyphenation for a particular locale.
BrailleTranslatorFactory - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a factory for braille translation and hyphenation.
BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a braille translator factory maker.
BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker
Creates a new braille translator factory maker.
BrailleTranslatorFactoryMakerService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an interface for a BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker service.
BrailleTranslatorFactoryService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an interface for a BrailleTranslatorFactory service.
BrailleTranslatorResult - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a braille translator result.
breakBefore(FormattingTypes.BreakBefore) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the break before property for the block.
breakBefore(SequenceProperties.SequenceBreakBefore) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties.Builder
Set the break before property for the sequence.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties.ComparatorBuilder
Builds the comparator.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockPosition.Builder
Creates a new BlockPosition instance
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Build BlockProperties using the current state of the Builder.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockSpacing.Builder
Build BlockSpacing using the current state of the Builder.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FieldList.Builder
Builds a new field list with the current configuration
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration.Builder
Creates new configuration
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ItemSequenceProperties.Builder
Builds a new item sequence properties.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties.Builder
Creates a new LayoutMasterProperties based on the current state of the builder.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Leader.Builder
Build Leader using the current state of the Builder
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicatorRegion.Builder
Builds the builder into a marker indicator region.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageAreaProperties.Builder
Creates a new page area properties object
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties.Builder
Build SequenceProperties using the current state of the Builder
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SpanProperties.Builder
Builds span properties based on the current state of the builder.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties.Builder
Creates a new table cell properties using the current state of this builder.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties.Builder
Creates new table properties based on the current state of this builder
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties.Builder
Creates a new text block properties object
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextProperties.Builder
Builds a new TextProperties object using the current status of this builder.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TocProperties.Builder
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilderProperties.Builder
Builds TransitionBuilderProperties based on the current state of this builder.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeTemplateProperties.Builder
Creates a new VolumeTemplateProperties instance based on the current configuration.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder
Creates a new border based on the current state of the builder.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder.BuilderView
Creates a new border using the current state of the builder
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification.Builder
Creates a new border specification.
build(BorderSpecification) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification.Builder
Creates a new border specification with the supplied fallback border.
build(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultAttributeWithContext.Builder
Creates a new default text attribute based on the current state of the builder
build(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultTextAttribute.Builder
Creates a new default text attribute based on the current state of the builder
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle.Builder
Creates a new text border style using the current state of the builder.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Translatable.Builder
Builds a new Translatable object using the current status of this builder.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatableWithContext.Builder
Builds a new Translatable object using the current status of this builder.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.Builder
Builds a new TranslatorMode instance based on the current configuration of this builder.
build() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.MetaDataItem.Builder
Creates a new meta data item based on the current state of the builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockPosition.Builder
Creates a new Builder with TOP alignment at the absolute position of 0.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Create a new Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockSpacing.Builder
Builder(List<Field>) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FieldList.Builder
Creates a new builder with the specified fields
Builder(String, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration.Builder
Creates a new builder with the specified properties
Builder(String, ItemSequenceProperties.Range) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ItemSequenceProperties.Builder
Creates a new builder with the supplied arguments.
Builder(int, int) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties.Builder
Creates a new builder for layout master properties with the specified width and height.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Leader.Builder
Create a new Builder
Builder(int) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicatorRegion.Builder
Creates a new builder with the specified width.
Builder(String, int) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageAreaProperties.Builder
Creates a new instance with the specified parameters
Builder(String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties.Builder
Create a new Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SpanProperties.Builder
Creates a new empty builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties.Builder
Creates a new builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties.Builder
Creates a new builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties.Builder
Builder(String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextProperties.Builder
Creates a new builder with the specified locale
Builder(String, String, TocProperties.TocRange) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TocProperties.Builder
Creates a new builder with the supplied arguments.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilderProperties.Builder
Builder(int) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeTemplateProperties.Builder
Creates a new Builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder
Creates a new builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification.Builder
Creates a new builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultAttributeWithContext.Builder
Creates a new builder
Builder(String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultAttributeWithContext.Builder
Creates a new builder with the specified attribute name
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultTextAttribute.Builder
Creates a new builder
Builder(String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultTextAttribute.Builder
Creates a new builder with the specified attribute name
Builder() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle.Builder
Creates a new text border style builder.
Builder(QName, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.MetaDataItem.Builder
Creates a new meta data item builder


calculateCost(Map<String, Double>) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.RenderingScenario
Calculates the cost of this scenario with the supplied variables (which might, for example, include the total height of the rendered result).
CELL_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures
Embosser feature key, corresponding value should be a number, in millimeters
CELL_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures
Embosser feature key, corresponding value should be a number, in millimeters
clone() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
colSpan(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties.Builder
Sets the column span
combine(List<String>, List<String>, int, int) - Static method in class
Combines two braille images by combining characters from the two input images.
compareTo(TranslatorSpecification) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorSpecification
CompoundField - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a compound field object.
CompoundField() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.CompoundField
Creates a new compound field.
CompoundField(String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.CompoundField
Creates a new compound field with the specified text style.
Condition - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides an interface for a condition.
condition(Condition) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeTemplateProperties.Builder
Sets the condition for applying the volume template.
ContentCollection - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides methods needed to add a content collection to a formatter.
Context - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a formatter context that can be used to process context aware content.
convert(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.engine.FormatterEngine
Converts the OBFL in the input stream and writes the result to the output stream.
copy() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorResult
Returns a copy of this result in the current state.
countRemaining() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorResult
Returns the number of characters remaining in the result.
CurrentPageField - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
CurrentPageField is a reference to the current page in the final document.
CurrentPageField(NumeralStyle) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.CurrentPageField
Creates a new current page field.
CurrentPageField(NumeralStyle, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.CurrentPageField
Creates a new current page field.
CurrentPageField.PagenumType - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines page number types


DefaultAttributeWithContext - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a default implementation of attributes with context.
DefaultAttributeWithContext(int, DefaultAttributeWithContext.Builder) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultAttributeWithContext
DefaultAttributeWithContext.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a builder for a default text attribute
defaultListLabel(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the default label for list items in the block.
DefaultTextAttribute - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a default implementation of text attributes.
DefaultTextAttribute(int, DefaultTextAttribute.Builder) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultTextAttribute
DefaultTextAttribute.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a builder for a default text attribute
description(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.Builder
Set the description for this mode.
Device - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides an interface to transmit a file to a device, typically a printer.
Dimensions - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides two dimensional measurements in millimeters
displayName(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.Builder
Set the display name for this mode.
displayWhen(Condition) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the display-when expression
dotsPerCell(Optional<TranslatorMode.DotsPerCell>) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.Builder
Set the number of dots per cell.
dotsPerCell(TranslatorMode.DotsPerCell) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.Builder
Set the number of dots per cell.
DUPLEX - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures
Embosser feature key, corresponding value should be a boolean
duplex(boolean) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties.Builder
Sets the duplex property, in other words whether to use both sides of a sheet or not.
duplex() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties
Gets the duplex value.
duplex() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.SectionProperties
Returns true if output is intended on both sides of the sheets
DynamicContent - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides an interface for dynamic text, in other words content that may change between renderings.
DynamicRenderer - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides an interface for a dynamic renderer.
DynamicSequenceBuilder - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a dynamic sequence builder.


EightDotFallbackMethod - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Defines the fallback action when a character in the range 0x2840-0x28FF is encountered.
Embosser - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides an interface for common properties of an Embosser.
EmbosserCatalog - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides a catalog of Embosser factories.
EmbosserCatalog() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalog
Creates a new empty instance.
EmbosserCatalogService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides an interface for an EmbosserCatalog service.
EmbosserFactoryException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides an EmbosserFactory exception
EmbosserFactoryException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFactoryException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
EmbosserFactoryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFactoryException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
EmbosserFactoryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFactoryException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
EmbosserFactoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFactoryException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
EmbosserFactoryException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFactoryException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, suppression enabled or disabled, and writable stack trace enabled or disabled.
EmbosserFactoryProperties - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Extends FactoryProperties with embosser specific information.
EmbosserFeatures - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides common embosser features to be used when configuring an Embosser factory.
EmbosserFeatures() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures
EmbosserFilter - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides an interface for filtering a collection of Embossers.
EmbosserProperties - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides an interface for common embosser related properties.
EmbosserProperties.PrintMode - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Regular printing or multi-page printing
EmbosserProvider - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides an interface for a collection of Embossers.
EmbosserWriter - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides an embosser communication interface.
EmbosserWriterProperties - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides information about the embosser.
endBlock() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockBuilder
End the current block.
endEntry() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableOfContents
Ends the current entry.
endItem() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ContentCollection
Ends the current item.
endSpan() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Ends a previously opened span section
endStyle() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Ends a previously opened style section
endTable() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterCore
Ends the table.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockPosition
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockSpacing
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicator
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicatorRegion
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReference
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Position
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextProperties
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle
equals(Object) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorSpecification
evaluate() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Condition
Evaluates the condition without supplying any variables.
evaluate(Context) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Condition
Evaluates the condition in the supplied context.
evaluate(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.Expression
Evaluate is the method to use when evaluating an expression.
Expression - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl
Provides an interface for OBFL-expressions.
ExpressionFactory - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl
Provides a factory for expressions.
ExpressionFactoryMaker - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl
Like all maker classes in the api, this class is only used directly in SPI context.
ExpressionFactoryMaker() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ExpressionFactoryMaker
Creates a new expression factory maker


Factory - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.factory
Provides an interface for common properties of a Factory.
FactoryCatalog<T extends Factory> - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.factory
Provides an interface for factory catalogs.
FactoryFilter - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.factory
Provides an interface for filtering a collection of Factories.
FactoryProperties - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.factory
Provides factory properties.
FactoryProperties.ComparatorBuilder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.factory
Provides a comparator builder for factory properties.
FactoryProperties.ComparatorBuilder.SortOrder - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.factory
Defines the sort order.
FactoryProperties.ComparatorBuilder.SortProperty - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.factory
Defines the item to sort by.
FallbackRule - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a common interface for fallback rules.
FEATURE_HYPHENATION_ACCURACY - Static variable in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactory
Defines hyphenation accuracy on a scale from 1 to 5 (integer):
FEATURE_MODE - Static variable in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderFactory
Mode feature.
Field - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a field for page headers/footers
FieldList - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a list of fields, typically used with headers and footers.
FieldList.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a field list builder
FileFormat - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
FileFormatProperties - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
FileFormatProvider - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
filter(Translatable) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilter
Translates the string into braille using the specification.
filter(TranslatableWithContext) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilter
Translates the string into braille using the specification.
firstLineIndent(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the first line indent for the block, in characters.
firstLineIndent(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties.Builder
Set the first line indent for the block, in characters.
FollowingText - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides information about an item that comes after the items being translated.
format(int) - Method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.NumeralStyle
Formats the numeral with the given style
Formatter - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides text-only formatting.
FormatterConfiguration - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides global settings for a formatter.
FormatterConfiguration.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a builder for formatter configuration
FormatterCore - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides core formatter tasks.
FormatterEngine - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.engine
Provides a formatter engine.
FormatterEngineFactoryService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.engine
Provides an interface for a FormatterEngineFactory service.
FormatterEngineMaker - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.engine
Like all maker classes in the api, this class is only used directly in SPI context.
FormatterEngineMaker() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.engine.FormatterEngineMaker
Creates a new formatter engine maker.
FormatterException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides an exception for conditions in a formatter.
FormatterException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
FormatterException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
FormatterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
FormatterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
FormatterException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, suppression enabled or disabled, and writable stack trace enabled or disabled.
FormatterFactory - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a proxy for creating a formatter implementation.
FormatterFactoryMaker - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a factory for formatters.
FormatterFactoryMaker() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterFactoryMaker
Creates a new formatter factory maker
FormatterSequence - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides an interface for a formatter sequence
FormattingTypes - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides common formatting types.
FormattingTypes.Alignment - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines alignment options.
FormattingTypes.BreakBefore - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines break before types.
FormattingTypes.Keep - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines rows in block keep types.
FormattingTypes.ListStyle - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines list styles.
from(List<T>, int) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatableWithContext
Returns a new Translatable builder for this list.
from(List<T>, int, int) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatableWithContext
Returns a new Translatable builder for this list.


get(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalog
get(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryCatalog
Gets the Factory with this identifier
get(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
get(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalogService
Gets a paper by identifier.
get(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableCatalog
getAfterArea() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageAreaBuilder
Gets a formatter core for the area after the page area.
getAlign() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification
Gets the alignment of this border
getAlignment() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockPosition
Get the alignment center for the block that this object positions
getAlignment() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Leader
Get the Alignment for this Leader.
getAlignment() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageAreaProperties
Gets the alignment of the page area.
getAlignment() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties
Gets the alignment
getAnyInterruptedBuilder() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilder
Gets the builder for contents to add whenever a volume is interrupted before a volume break.
getAnyResumedBuilder() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilder
Gets the builder for contents to add whenever a volume is resumed after a volume break.
getApplicationRange() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilderProperties
Gets the application range starting from the end of the volume.
getAttribute() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.MetaDataItem
Gets the attribute, if specified or null
getAttributes() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Translatable
Gets the text attributes for the text
getAttributes() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatableWithContext
Gets the attribute context.
getBeforeArea() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageAreaBuilder
Gets a formatter core for the area before the page area.
getBeginLimit() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorInterface
Gets the begin limit.
getBlockIndent() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Get block indent, in characters
getBlockInterruptedBuilder() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilder
Gets the builder for contents to add when a block is interrupted before a volume break.
getBlockResumedBuilder() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilder
Gets the builder for contents to add when a block is resumed after a volume break.
getBorder() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties
Gets the page border to use
getBorder() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties
Gets the border, or null if not set
getBorder() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties
Gets the border, or null if not set
getBottom() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder.BuilderView
Gets the bottom edge view of the builder.
getBottom() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder
Gets the bottom builder view.
getBottom() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border
Gets the specification for this border's bottom edge.
getBottomBorder() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle
Gets the bottom component pattern.
getBottomLeftCorner() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle
Gets the bottom left corner component.
getBottomRightCorner() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle
Gets the bottom right corner component.
getBottomSpacing() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockSpacing
Get bottom spacing, in characters
getBreakBeforeType() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Get break before type
getBreakBeforeType() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties
Get break before type
getChars() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.Row
Gets the characters
getCollectionID() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ItemSequenceProperties
Gets the collection identifier.
getCollectionId() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageAreaProperties
Gets the id of the associated collection.
getColSpan() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties
Gets the column span, in other words, the number of columns that this cell spans.
getCondition() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeTemplateProperties
Gets the condition for applying the volume template
getConfiguration() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Formatter
Gets the formatter configuration
getContractionGrade() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode
Gets the contraction grade, if set.
getCurrentPage() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Context
Gets the current page number (one based) or null if not known.
getCurrentVolume() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Context
Gets the current volume number (one based) or null if not known.
getDefault() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder.BuilderView
Gets the default edge view of the builder.
getDefault() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder
Gets the default builder view.
getDefaultListLabel() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the default list label for this list
getDescription() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.AbstractFactory
getDescription() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties
Gets the description for this Factory
getDescription() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.AbstractPaper
getDescription() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode
getDictionaryIdentifier() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultTextAttribute
getDictionaryIdentifier() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextAttribute
Gets the dictionary identifier that applies to this text attribute.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.AbstractFactory
getDisplayName() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties
Gets the display name for this Factory
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.AbstractPaper
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode
getDisplayWhen() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the expression when a block should be shown.
getDotsPerCell() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode
Gets the number of dots per cell, if set.
getEndLimit() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorInterface
Gets the end limit.
getEndRefId() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TocEntryOnResumedRange
Get the end ref-id of the range
getExternalReference() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.Row
Get the external reference element.
getFactory() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.engine.FormatterEngineMaker
Gets a formatter engine factory service.
getFactory() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterFactoryMaker
Gets a formatter factory
getFactory() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ExpressionFactoryMaker
Gets an expression factory.
getFactory() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ObflParserFactoryMaker
Gets the OBFL parser factory service.
getFactory(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryMaker
getFactory(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryMakerService
Gets a Integer2TextFactory that supports the specified locale
getFactory(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryMaker
getFactory(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryMakerService
Gets a PagedMediaWriterFactory that supports the specified media type
getFallbackRules() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageAreaProperties
Gets the fallback rules.
getFeature(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.Factory
Gets the value of a feature used by this Factory
getFeature(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactory
Gets the value of a hyphenation feature.
getFeature(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactory
Gets the value of a integer2text feature.
getFeature(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderFactory
Gets the value for the specified feature key.
getFeature(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactory
Gets the value of a PagedMediaWriter feature.
getFields() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FieldList
Gets the list of fields.
getFileExtension() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.FileFormatProperties
Gets the file extension.
getFirstLineIndent() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties
Get first line indent, in characters
getFlowWidth() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties
Gets the width available for the text body.
getFollowingText() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextWithContext
Gets the following items in this context.
getFollowingText() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatableWithContext
Gets the text items in the context that follows the current text.
getHeight() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.PrintPage
getHeight() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Area
getHeight() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Dimensions
Gets height, in mm.
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.AbstractFactory
getIdentifier() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties
Gets the identifier for this Factory
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SpanProperties
Gets the identifier
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties
Gets the identifier
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.AbstractPaper
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode
getIgnoredStyles() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration
Gets a set of ignored styles
getIndicator() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicator
Gets the occurrence indicator string
getIndicators() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicatorRegion
Gets the list of indicators.
getInitialPageNumber() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties
Get the initial page number, i.e.
getInnerMargin() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties
Gets the width of the inner margin, in characters.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.NoField
Gets the singleton instance.
getKeepType() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Get keep type
getKeepWithNext() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Get the number of rows containing text in the next block that must be on the same page as this block
getKeepWithNextSheets() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the number of next sheets to keep in the same volume as this block
getKeepWithPreviousSheets() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the number of previous sheets to keep in the same volume as this block
getKey() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.MetaDataItem
Gets the element name
getLeft() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder.BuilderView
Gets the left edge view of the builder.
getLeft() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder
Gets the left builder view.
getLeft() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border
Gets the specification for this border's left edge.
getLeftBorder() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle
Gets the left border component.
getLeftSpacing() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockSpacing
Get left spacing, in characters
getLength() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length
Gets the length, expressed in the original units of length.
getLengthAcrossFeed() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.PrintPage
Gets the length of the paper perpendicular to the direction of the paper feed.
getLengthAcrossFeed() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.RollPaper
Gets the length of the paper perpendicular to the direction of the paper feed
getLengthAcrossFeed() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.RollPaperFormat
Gets the length of the paper perpendicular to the direction of the paper feed
getLengthAcrossFeed() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaper
Gets the length of the paper perpendicular to the direction of the paper feed
getLengthAcrossFeed() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaperFormat
Gets the length of the paper perpendicular to the direction of the paper feed.
getLengthAlongFeed() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.PrintPage
Gets the length of the paper along the direction of the paper feed
getLengthAlongFeed() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.RollPaperFormat
Gets the length of the paper along the direction of the paper feed
getLengthAlongFeed() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaper
Gets the length of the paper along the direction of the paper feed
getLengthAlongFeed() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaperFormat
Gets the length of the paper along the direction of the paper feed.
getListItemLabel() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the list item label
getListNumberFormat() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the number format for this list
getListType() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Get list type
getLocale() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration
Gets the locale
getLocale() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextProperties
Gets the locale of this text properties
getLocale() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Translatable
Gets the locale for the text
getLocale() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorSpecification
Gets the locale.
getMake() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFactoryProperties
Gets the make for this embosser
getMargin() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the margin
getMargin() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties
Gets the margin
getMasterName() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties
Get the name for the LayoutMaster
getMaxHeight(PageFormat) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.Embosser
Gets the max height for the specified page format
getMaxHeight() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageAreaProperties
Gets the maximum height allowed to be used by the page area, in rows.
getMaxWidth(PageFormat) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.Embosser
Gets the max width for the specified page format
getMaxWidth() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserWriterProperties
Gets the maximum row width in the current configuration
getMetaData() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ObflParser
Gets a list of meta data items collected by the latest call to ObflParser.parse(XMLEventReader, Formatter).
getMetaPage() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Context
Gets the page number (one based) of the context described in the current context, or null if not available.
getMetaVolume() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Context
Gets the volume number (one based) of the context described in the current context, or null if not available.
getMetric(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorResult
Gets the value of a given metric.
getMode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorSpecification
Gets the translator mode.
getModeDetails() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorSpecification
Gets the translator mode details.
getModel() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFactoryProperties
Gets the model for this embosser
getName() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Marker
Get the name of this Marker.
getName() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicator
Gets the name of the markers to indicate
getName() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReference
Gets the name of this marker reference
getName() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.AttributeWithContext
Gets the name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultAttributeWithContext
getName() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.AttributeItem
Gets the attribute name
getNumeralStyle() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.NumeralField
Gets the numeral style.
getOffset(int) - Method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormattingTypes.Alignment
Gets the alignment offset based on available space.
getOffset() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReference
Gets the page offset where to start the search
getOffsetX() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Area
Gets the x-offset.
getOffsetY() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Area
Gets the y-offset.
getOrientation() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat
Gets the orientation of this paper format.
getOrphans() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page.
getOuterMargin() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties
Gets the width of the outer margin, in characters.
getPadding() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the padding
getPadding() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties
Gets the padding
getPadding() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties
Gets the padding
getPageCounterName() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties
Gets the page counter name.
getPageFormatType() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PageFormat
Gets the paper in this paper format
getPageFormatType() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.RollPaperFormat
getPageFormatType() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat
getPageFormatType() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaperFormat
getPageHeight() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties
Gets the page height, in characters.
getPageHeight() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaper
Gets the height of the paper in default orientation
getPageHeight() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat
Gets the page height with respect to the orientation of the paper format
getPageHeight() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.SectionProperties
Gets the page height.
getPagesInDocument() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Context
Gets the total number of pages contained in the document, or null if not known.
getPagesInVolume() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Context
Gets the total number of pages contained in the current volume, or null if not known.
getPageWidth() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties
Gets the page width, in characters.
getPageWidth() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaper
Gets the width of the paper in the default orientation
getPageWidth() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat
Gets the page width with respect to the orientation of the paper format
getPageWidth() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.SectionProperties
Gets the page width.
getPattern() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Leader
Get the pattern for this Leader.
getPosition() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockPosition
Gets the row for the block that this object positions.
getPosition() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Leader
Get the Position for this Leader.
getPostVolumeContentBuilder() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeTemplateBuilder
Gets the post volume content builder.
getPrecedingText() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextWithContext
Gets the already processed items in this context.
getPrecedingText() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatableWithContext
Gets the text items in the context that preceded the current text.
getPreferredCharset() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.table.BrailleConverter
Gets the preferred charset for this braille format when reading/writing as text from/to file
getPreferredEmtpySpace() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties
Gets the preferred empty space in table cells when the text content is shorter than the available maximum column width
getPreVolumeContentBuilder() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeTemplateBuilder
Gets the pre volume content builder.
getPrintableArea(PageFormat) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.Embosser
Gets the printable area for the specified page format
getPrintPage(PageFormat) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.Embosser
Gets the dimensions of one print page for the specified page format
getProperties() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilder
Gets the properties for this transition builder.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.Factory
Gets the value of a read-only property that applies to all objects returned by this Factory.
getRange() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ItemSequenceProperties
Gets the range of this item sequence
getRange() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TocProperties
Gets the toc range.
getRight() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder.BuilderView
Gets the right edge view of the builder.
getRight() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder
Gets the right builder view.
getRight() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border
Gets the specification for this border's right edge.
getRightBorder() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle
Gets the right border component.
getRightLastLineIndent() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties
Get right last line indent, in characters
getRightSpacing() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockSpacing
Get right spacing, in characters
getRightTextIndent() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties
Get right text indent, in characters
getRowGap() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserWriter
Gets the current row gap, measured as an integer multiple of the dot-to-dot height.
getRowSpacing() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FieldList
Gets the row-spacing following this field list.
getRowSpacing() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties
Gets the row spacing, in character heights.
getRowSpacing() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties
Gets the row spacing, or null if not set.
getRowSpacing() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties
Gets the row spacing, or null if not set
getRowSpacing() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.Row
Gets the row spacing, in rows
getRowSpacing() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.SectionProperties
Gets row spacing, in row heights.
getRowSpan() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties
Gets the row span, in other words, the number of rows that this cell spans.
getScenarios() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.DynamicRenderer
Gets the rendering scenarios in this renderer.
getSearchDirection() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReference
Gets the direction of the search
getSearchScope() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReference
Gets the scope of the search
getSequenceInterruptedBuilder() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilder
Gets the builder for contents to add when a sequence is interrupted before a volume break.
getSequenceResumedBuilder() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilder
Gets the builder for contents to add when a sequence is resumed after a volume break.
getShape() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.PrintPage
Gets the shape of the print page.
getSheetsInDocument() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Context
Gets the total number of sheets contained in the document, or null if not known.
getSheetsInVolume() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Context
Gets the total number of sheets contained in the current volume, or null if not known.
getSplitterMax() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeTemplateProperties
Gets the maximum number of sheets allowed in a volume that uses this template.
getStartRefId() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TocEntryOnResumedRange
Get the start ref-id of the range
getString() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.LineBreaks
Gets the string used to represent line breaks
getString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.StandardLineBreaks
getString(StandardLineBreaks.Type) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.StandardLineBreaks
Gets the string used to represent line breaks
getStyle() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification
Gets the style of this border
getTableColSpacing() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties
Gets the table column spacing, in other words the horizontal spacing between two columns of table cells.
getTableFilter() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.Embosser
Gets a table filter that returns true if supportsTable returns true
getTableFilter() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.FileFormat
Gets the table filter.
getTableRowSpacing() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties
Gets the table row spacing, in other words the vertical spacing between two rows of table cells.
getText() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Translatable
Gets the text
getTextBlockProperties() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the text block properties for this block
getTextBlockProperties() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties
Gets the text block properties
getTextBorderStyle() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the text border style for this block
getTextIndent() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties
Get text indent, in characters
getTextStyle() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.CompoundField
getTextStyle() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Field
The text style of the field, or null if no special style is used.
getTextStyle() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReferenceField
getTextStyle() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.NoField
getTextStyle() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.NumeralField
getTextStyle() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.StringField
getTextToTranslate() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextWithContext
Gets the items to translate in this context.
getTextToTranslate() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatableWithContext
Gets the text items to translate.
getTocName() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TocProperties
Gets the toc identifier.
getToCollection() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.RenameFallbackRule
Gets the new identifier for this collection
getTop() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder.BuilderView
Gets the top edge view of the builder.
getTop() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder
Gets the top builder view.
getTop() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border
Gets the specification for this border's top edge.
getTopBorder() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle
Gets the top component pattern.
getTopLeftCorner() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle
Gets the top left corner component.
getTopRightCorner() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle
Gets the top right corner component.
getTopSpacing() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockSpacing
Get top spacing, in characters
getTransitionBuilder() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Formatter
Gets the transition builder.
getTranslatedRemainder() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorResult
Gets the translated remainder, in other words the characters not yet extracted with nextTranslatedRow.
getTranslationMode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration
Gets the translation mode
getTranslationMode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextProperties
Gets the translation mode
getTranslatorMode() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslator
Gets the translator mode of this translator.
getType() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Paper
Gets the type of paper
getType() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.RollPaper
getType() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaper
getType() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaper
getType() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode
Gets the mode type, if set.
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the underline pattern for this block
getUnitsOfLength() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length
Gets the original units of length.
getValue() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Marker
Get the value of this Marker
getValue() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Position
Gets the position value
getValue() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.AttributeItem
Gets the attribute value
getValue() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.MetaDataItem
Gets the text contents of this meta data item
getVerticalPosition() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the vertical position for this block
getVolumeCount() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Context
Gets the volume count or null if not known.
getVolumeKeepPriority() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets volume keep priority
getWidows() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
Gets the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the top of a page.
getWidth() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.PrintPage
getWidth() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarginRegion
Gets the width of the region, in columns.
getWidth() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicatorRegion
getWidth() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Area
getWidth() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Dimensions
Gets width, in mm.
getWidth() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.AttributeWithContext
Gets the width of this attribute.
getWidth() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification
Gets the width of this border
getWidth() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultAttributeWithContext
getWidth() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultTextAttribute
getWidth() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextAttribute
Gets the width of this object
grade(double) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.Builder
Sets the contraction grade.


hasChildren() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.AttributeWithContext
Returns true if this attribute has children.
hasChildren() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultAttributeWithContext
hasChildren() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultTextAttribute
hasChildren() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextAttribute
Returns true if this object has text attribute children.
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockPosition
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockSpacing
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicator
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicatorRegion
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReference
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Position
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextProperties
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle
hashCode() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorSpecification
hasNext() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorResult
Returns true if there are characters remaining in the result, in other words of there are characters not yet extracted with nextTranslatedRow.
hyphenate(boolean) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration.Builder
Sets the global hyphenation policy
hyphenate(boolean) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextProperties.Builder
Sets the hyphenate value for this builder
hyphenate(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorInterface
Hyphenates the phrase, inserting soft hyphens at all possible breakpoints.
hyphenate(boolean) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Translatable.Builder
Sets the hyphenate property for this builder
HyphenatorConfigurationException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator
Provides an exception that indicates that a feature is not supported.
HyphenatorConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorConfigurationException
HyphenatorConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorConfigurationException
HyphenatorConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorConfigurationException
HyphenatorConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorConfigurationException
HyphenatorFactory - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator
Provides a hyphenation factory interface.
HyphenatorFactoryMaker - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator
Provides a hyphenator factory maker.
HyphenatorFactoryMaker() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryMaker
Creates a new formatter factory maker.
HyphenatorFactoryMakerService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator
Provides an interface for a HyphenatorFactoryMaker service.
HyphenatorFactoryService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator
Provides an interface for a HyphenatorFactory service.
HyphenatorInterface - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator
Provides a hyphenator.


identifier(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the identifier for the block
identifier(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SpanProperties.Builder
Sets an identifier.
identifier(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties.Builder
Sets the identifier for the block.
identifier(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.Builder
Sets the identifier.
ignoreStyle(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration.Builder
Adds a style to ignore
INCH_IN_MM - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length
1 inch is 25.4 mm.
initialPageNumber(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties.Builder
Set the initialPageNumber for the SequenceProperties instances created using this Builder
innerMargin(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties.Builder
Sets the inner margin, that is to say the margin closest to the binding edge of the page.
insertAnchor(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Insert an anchor at the current position in the flow
insertDynamicLayout(DynamicRenderer) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterCore
Inserts a dynamic layout processor
insertEvaluate(DynamicContent, TextProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Inserts an expression to evaluate.
insertExternalReference(Object) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Inserts a reference element that could be used to add information required for external systems.
insertLeader(Leader) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Insert a leader at the current position in the flow
insertMarker(Marker) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Insert a marker at the current position in the flow
insertMarkerReference(MarkerReference, TextProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Inserts a marker reference
insertPageReference(String, NumeralStyle) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Adds the page number of a reference.
Integer2Text - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.text
Provides an integer2text.
Integer2TextConfigurationException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.text
Provides an exception to indicate problems when configuring an integer to text factory or instance.
Integer2TextConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextConfigurationException
Integer2TextConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextConfigurationException
Integer2TextConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextConfigurationException
Integer2TextConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextConfigurationException
Integer2TextFactory - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.text
Provides a integer2text factory interface.
Integer2TextFactoryMaker - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.text
Provides a integer2text factory maker.
Integer2TextFactoryMaker() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryMaker
Creates a new integer to text factory maker.
Integer2TextFactoryMakerService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.text
Provides an interface for a Integer2TextFactoryMaker service.
Integer2TextFactoryService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.text
Provides an interface for a Integer2TextFactory service.
IntegerOutOfRange - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.text
Thrown to indicate that an integer cannot be converted to text because it is out of range of the capabilities of the implementation.
IntegerOutOfRange() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.text.IntegerOutOfRange
Constructs an IntegerOutOfRange with no detail message.
IntegerOutOfRange(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.text.IntegerOutOfRange
Constructs an IntegerOutOfRange class with the specified detail message.
IntegerOutOfRange(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.text.IntegerOutOfRange
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
IntegerOutOfRange(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.text.IntegerOutOfRange
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
intToText(int) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2Text
Converts the integer to text.
IS_DISPLAY_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableProperties
Defines that the table is meant for screen use, that is to say, does not contain binary type characters.
IS_ONE_TO_ONE - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableProperties
Defines that table has a one-to-one mapping between character and braille pattern
isAllowingTextOverflowTrimming() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration
Returns true if text that overflows is allowed to be truncated, false otherwise.
isClosed() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserWriter
Tests if embosser has been closed
isHyphenating() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration
Returns true if the formatter is hyphenating
isHyphenating() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextProperties
Returns true if the hyphenating property is true, false otherwise
isHyphenating() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Translatable
Returns true if the text should be hyphenated.
isMarkingCapitalLetters() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration
Returns true if capital letters should be marked, false otherwise
isOpen() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserWriter
Returns true if embosser is open
isRelative() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Position
Returns true if this Position is relative, false otherwise
isRemovable(Paper) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
isRemovable(Paper) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalogService
Returns true if the paper can be removed, false otherwise
isStatic() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.FollowingText
Returns true if this item does not change.
ItemSequenceProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines properties specific for an item sequence.
ItemSequenceProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a builder for creating ItemSequenceProperties instances.
ItemSequenceProperties.Range - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines ranges.
iterator() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultAttributeWithContext
iterator() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultTextAttribute


keep(FormattingTypes.Keep) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the keep property for the block.
keepWithNext(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the keep with next property for the block.
keepWithNextSheets(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the keep with next sheets property for the block.
keepWithPreviousSheets(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the keep with previous sheets property for the block.


LayoutEngineException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.engine
Provides an exception for the FormatterEngine.
LayoutEngineException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.engine.LayoutEngineException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
LayoutEngineException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.engine.LayoutEngineException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
LayoutEngineException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.engine.LayoutEngineException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
LayoutEngineException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.engine.LayoutEngineException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
LayoutMasterBuilder - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a builder for a layout master.
LayoutMasterProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides properties for a LayoutMaster.
LayoutMasterProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Configuration class for a ConfigurableLayoutMaster
Leader - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Leader is a data object used when separating two chunks of text within a single row.
Leader(Leader.Builder) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Leader
Leader(Leader) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Leader
Leader.Alignment - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Alignment values for leaders
Leader.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
The Builder is used when creating a Leader instance
leftBorder(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle.Builder
Sets the left border pattern
leftMargin(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the left margin for the block, in characters.
leftPadding(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the left padding for the block, in characters.
leftSpacing(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockSpacing.Builder
Set the left spacing for the block, in characters.
Length - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides a length measurement that can be expressed using the preferred units of length.
length - Variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultAttributeWithContext
length - Variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultTextAttribute
Length.UnitsOfLength - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Defines possible units to be used when expressing a length value
LineBreaks - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides an interface for line breaks
list() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.Provider
Lists all Factories
list() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
list(PaperFilter) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
list() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalogService
Lists all available papers.
list(PaperFilter) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalogService
Lists available papers that the filter accepts.
list() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableCatalog
list(TableFilter) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableCatalog
list() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableCatalogService
Lists the tables
list(TableFilter) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableCatalogService
Lists the tables that matches the specified filter
listEmbossers() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalog
listEmbossers(EmbosserFilter) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalog
listEmbossers() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalogService
Lists embossers
listEmbossers(EmbosserFilter) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalogService
Lists embossers matching the specified filter
listItemLabel(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the list item label for the block.
listLocales() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryMaker
listLocales() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryMakerService
Returns a list of supported locales as defined by IETF RFC 3066.
listLocales() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryService
Returns a list of supported locales as defined by IETF RFC 3066.
listLocales() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryMaker
listLocales() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryMakerService
Returns a list of supported locales as defined by IETF RFC 3066.
listLocales() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryService
Returns a list of supported locales as defined by IETF RFC 3066.
listMediaTypes() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryMaker
listMediaTypes() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryMakerService
Returns a list of supported Internet media types.
listMediaTypes() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryService
Lists supported media types.
listNumberFormat(NumeralStyle) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the number format for the block.
listSpecifications() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryMaker
listSpecifications() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryMakerService
Returns a list of supported specifications.
listSpecifications() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryService
Returns a list of supported specifications.
listSpecifications() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker
listSpecifications() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMakerService
Returns a list of supported specifications.
listSpecifications() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryService
Returns a list of supported specifications.
listType(FormattingTypes.ListStyle) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the list type for the block.
locale(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Translatable.Builder
Sets the locale for this builder


makeAbsolute(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Position
Gets the absolute value for this Position by multiplying with the given width.
margin(BlockSpacing) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties.Builder
Sets the margin
MarginRegion - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a vertical margin region.
markCapitalLetters(boolean) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration.Builder
Sets the global capital letter policy
markCapitalLetters(boolean) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Translatable.Builder
Sets the capital letters property for this builder
Marker - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
A Marker is a reference data inserted at some point in the flow.
Marker(String, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Marker
Create a new Marker with the given name and value.
MarkerIndicator - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a marker indicator
MarkerIndicator(String, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicator
Creates a new marker indicator with the specified parameters
MarkerIndicatorRegion - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides an marker indicator region.
MarkerIndicatorRegion.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Creates a new marker indicator region builder
MarkerReference - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
A MarkerReference is a marker value lookup.
MarkerReference(String, MarkerReference.MarkerSearchDirection, MarkerReference.MarkerSearchScope, int) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReference
Creates a new instance with the specified parameters
MarkerReference.MarkerSearchDirection - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines marker search directions.
MarkerReference.MarkerSearchScope - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines marker search scopes.
MarkerReferenceField - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
A MarkerReferenceField is a place holder for a marker's value.
MarkerReferenceField(String, MarkerReference.MarkerSearchDirection, MarkerReference.MarkerSearchScope) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReferenceField
Creates a new instance with the specified parameters
MarkerReferenceField(String, MarkerReference.MarkerSearchDirection, MarkerReference.MarkerSearchScope, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReferenceField
Creates a new instance with the specified parameters
MarkerReferenceField(String, MarkerReference.MarkerSearchDirection, MarkerReference.MarkerSearchScope, String, int) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReferenceField
Creates a new instance with the specified parameters
MediaTypes - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
Provides internet media types for some types.
MetaDataItem - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
Provides a simple meta data item.
MetaDataItem(QName, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.MetaDataItem
Creates a new meta data item with the specified parameters.
MetaDataItem.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
Provides a meta data item builder.
METRIC_FORCED_BREAK - Static variable in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorResult
Metric identifier representing the total number of forced breaks applied on the instance up to this point.
METRIC_HYPHEN_COUNT - Static variable in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorResult
Metric identifier representing the total number of breaks applied at break points inside words on the instance up to this point.
mustBeContextCollection() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FallbackRule
Returns true of the rule can only be applied to the context collection, in other words the collection that triggers the fallback actions.
mustBeContextCollection() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.RenameFallbackRule


newBrailleConverter() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.table.Table
Creates a new BrailleConverter based on the current configuration of this Table.
newCentimeterValue(double) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length
Creates a new Length object with the specified value, expressed in centimeter units
newCollection(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Formatter
Creates a new collection with the supplied identifier
newComparatorBuilder() - Static method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties
Creates a new comparator builder for factory properties.
newDynamicSequence(SequenceProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeContentBuilder
Creates a new dynamic sequence.
newEmbosser(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalog
newEmbosser(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalogService
Creates a new embosser with the specified identifier.
newEmbosserWriter(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.Embosser
Gets a new EmbosserWriter that writes to the supplied OutputStream
newEmbosserWriter(Device) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.Embosser
Gets a new EmbosserWriter that writes to the supplied Device
newEmbosserWriter(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.FileFormat
Creates a new embosser writer.
newExpression() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ExpressionFactory
Creates a new expression implementation.
newFactory(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserProvider
Returns a new embosser with the specified identifier.
newFactory(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.FileFormatProvider
Creates a new file format with the specified identifier.
newFactory(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryMaker
newFactory(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryMakerService
Gets a HyphenatorFactory that supports the specified locale
newFactory() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryService
Creates a new hyphenator factory.
newFactory(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableProvider
Creates a new table with the specified identifier.
newFactory() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryService
Creates a new integer to text factory.
newFactory(String, String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryMaker
Gets a factory for the given specification.
newFactory(String, String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryMakerService
Gets a factory for the given specification.
newFactory() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryService
Creates a new braille filter factory.
newFactory(String, String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker
Gets a factory for the given specification.
newFactory(String, String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMakerService
Gets a factory for the given specification.
newFactory() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryService
Creates a new braille translator factory.
newFactory() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderFactoryService
Creates a new text border factory
newFactory(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryService
Creates a new paged media writer factory for the specified media type.
newFilter(String, String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactory
Creates a new filter with the given specification
newFilter(String, String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryMaker
newFilter(String, String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryMakerService
Gets a filter for the given specification
newFormatter(String, String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterFactory
Creates a new formatter.
newFormatter(String, String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterFactoryMaker
Creates a new formatter with the specified options.
newFormatterEngine(String, String, PagedMediaWriter) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.engine.FormatterEngineFactoryService
Returns a new FormatterEngine configured for the specified locale, mode and output writer.
newFormatterEngine(FormatterConfiguration, PagedMediaWriter) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.engine.FormatterEngineFactoryService
Returns a new FormatterEngine configured with the specified configuration and output writer
newFormatterEngine(String, String, PagedMediaWriter) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.engine.FormatterEngineMaker
Creates a new formatter engine
newHyphenator(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactory
Returns a new hyphenator configured for the specified locale.
newHyphenator(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryMaker
newHyphenator(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryMakerService
Creates a new hyphenator.
newInchValue(double) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length
Creates a new Length object with the specified value, expressed in inch units
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalog
Creates a new EmbosserCatalog and populates it using the SPI (java service provider interface).
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.engine.FormatterEngineMaker
Creates a new formatter engine maker instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterFactoryMaker
Creates a new instance of a formatter factory maker
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryMaker
Creates a new HyphenatorFactoryMaker and populates it using the SPI (java service provider interface).
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ExpressionFactoryMaker
Creates a new expression factory maker instance
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ObflParserFactoryMaker
Creates a new OBFL parser factory maker instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
Creates a new PaperCatalog and populates it using the SPI (java service provider interface).
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableCatalog
Creates a new TableCatalog and populates it using the SPI (java service provider interface).
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryMaker
Creates a new Integer2TextFactoryMaker and populates it using the SPI (java service provider interface).
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryMaker
Creates a new BrailleFilterFactoryMaker and populates it using the SPI (java service provider interface).
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker
Creates a new BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker and populates it using the SPI (java service provider interface).
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderFactoryMaker
Creates a new TextBorderFactoryMaker and populates it using the SPI (java service provider interface).
newInstance() - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryMaker
Creates a new PagedMediaWriterFactoryMaker and populates it using the SPI (java service provider interface).
newInteger2Text(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactory
Returns a new integer2text configured for the specified locale.
newInteger2Text(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryMaker
newInteger2Text(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryMakerService
Creates a new integer2text.
newLayoutMaster(String, LayoutMasterProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Formatter
Creates a new LayoutMaster builder.
newLine() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserWriter
Starts a new line
newLine() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Explicitly break the current line, even if the line has space left for more characters.
newMillimeterValue(double) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length
Creates a new Length object with the specified value, expressed in millimeter units
newObflParser() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ObflParserFactoryService
Creates a new ObflParser.
newOnCollectionEnd() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ReferenceListBuilder
Creates a new on collection end block.
newOnCollectionStart() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ReferenceListBuilder
Creates a new on collection start block.
newOnPageEnd() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ReferenceListBuilder
Creates a new on page end block.
newOnPageStart() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ReferenceListBuilder
Creates a new on page start block.
newOnTocEnd(Condition) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeContentBuilder
Creates a new on toc end block.
newOnTocEnd() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeContentBuilder
Creates a new on toc end block that always apply.
newOnTocStart(Condition) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeContentBuilder
Creates a new on toc start block.
newOnTocStart() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeContentBuilder
Creates a new on toc start block that always apply.
newOnVolumeEnd() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ReferenceListBuilder
Creates a new on volume end block.
newOnVolumeEnd(Condition) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeContentBuilder
Creates a new on volume end block.
newOnVolumeEnd() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeContentBuilder
Creates a new on volume end block that always apply.
newOnVolumeStart() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ReferenceListBuilder
Creates a new on volume start block.
newOnVolumeStart(Condition) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeContentBuilder
Creates a new on volume start block.
newOnVolumeStart() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeContentBuilder
Creates a new on volume start block that always apply.
newPage() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserWriter
Starts a new page
newPage() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriter
Inserts a new page in the output format, if applicable
newPagedMediaWriter() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactory
Returns a new PagedMediaWriter
newPagedMediaWriter(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryMaker
newPagedMediaWriter(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryMakerService
Creates a new PagedMediaWriter.
newReferencesListContext(ItemSequenceProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.DynamicSequenceBuilder
Creates a new reference list builder at the current position.
newRow(Row) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriter
Add a new row to the current page
newRow() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriter
Add a new empty row to the current page
newSection(SectionProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriter
Insert a new section in the output format, if applicable
newSectionAndPage(boolean) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserWriter
Starts a new page on a blank sheet of paper with the specified duplex settings.
newSequence(SequenceProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Formatter
Start a new Sequence at the current position in the flow.
newSequence(SequenceProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeContentBuilder
Creates a new sequence at the current position.
newStaticContext() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.DynamicSequenceBuilder
Creates a new formatter core at the current position.
newTable(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableCatalog
newTable(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableCatalogService
Creates a new table with the specified identifier.
newTemplate(Condition) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterBuilder
Adds a new template to the builder.
newTextBorderStyle() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderFactory
Creates a new TextBorderStyle based on the current features.
newTextBorderStyle(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderFactoryMaker
newTextBorderStyle(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderFactoryMakerService
Creates a new text border style with the suppled specifications
newToc(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Formatter
Creates a new table of contents with the supplied name
newTocSequence(TocProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeContentBuilder
Creates a new toc sequence at the current position.
newTranslator(String, String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactory
Creates a new translator with the given specification
newTranslator(String, String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker
newTranslator(String, String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMakerService
Gets a translator for the given specification
newVolume(SectionProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriter
Inserts a new volume in the output format, if applicable
newVolumeSectionAndPage(boolean) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserWriter
Starts a new page on a blank sheet of paper in a new volume with the specified duplex settings.
newVolumeTemplate(VolumeTemplateProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Formatter
Creates a new empty volume template builder.
nextTranslatedRow(int, boolean) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorResult
Gets the translated string preceding the row break, including a translated hyphen at the end, if needed.
nextTranslatedRow(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorResult
Gets the translated string preceding the row break, including a translated hyphen at the end, if needed.
NoField - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
NoField represents the absence of a field in a header or footer.
NONE - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle
Loaded on first access
NUMBER_OF_COPIES - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures
Embosser feature key, corresponding value should be an integer
NumeralField - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a numeral field.
NumeralField(NumeralStyle) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.NumeralField
Creates a new numeral field with the supplied style.
NumeralField(NumeralStyle, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.NumeralField
Creates a new numeral field with the supplied numeral and text styles
NumeralStyle - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines numeral styles


ObflParser - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl
Provides an OBFL-parser.
ObflParserException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl
Provides an exception for conditions occuring when parsing an OBFL-file.
ObflParserException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ObflParserException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
ObflParserException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ObflParserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
ObflParserException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ObflParserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
ObflParserException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ObflParserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ObflParserFactoryMaker - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl
Like all maker classes in the api, this class is only used directly in SPI context.
ObflParserFactoryMaker() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ObflParserFactoryMaker
Creates a new instance.
ObflParserFactoryService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl
Provides an interface for a ObflParserFactory service.
ofWidth(int) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerIndicatorRegion
Creates a new builder of the specified width.
open(boolean) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserWriter
Opens for writing using the default contract.
open(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriter
Open the PagedMediaWriter for writing.
org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser - package org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides interfaces and classes needed to communicate with embossers.
org.daisy.dotify.api.engine - package org.daisy.dotify.api.engine
Provides a formatter engine API.
org.daisy.dotify.api.factory - package org.daisy.dotify.api.factory
Provides factory classes for coexisting implementations of a certain type.
org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter - package org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a text only layout engine. - package
Provides braille graphics tools.
org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator - package org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator
Provides a hyphenation API.
org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl - package org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl
Provides an API for OBFL.
org.daisy.dotify.api.paper - package org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides interfaces and classes needed to use papers.
org.daisy.dotify.api.table - package org.daisy.dotify.api.table
Provides interfaces and classes needed to use braille tables.
org.daisy.dotify.api.text - package org.daisy.dotify.api.text
Provides a text to integer API.
org.daisy.dotify.api.translator - package org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a braille translation API.
org.daisy.dotify.api.writer - package org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
Provides a paged media writer API.
orphans(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the orphans property
outerMargin(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties.Builder
Sets the outer margin, that is to say the margin opposite to the binding edge of the page.


padding(BlockSpacing) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties.Builder
Sets the padding
padding(BlockSpacing) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties.Builder
Sets the padding
PAGE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures
Embosser feature key, corresponding value should be a PageFormat object
PageAreaBuilder - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a page area builder.
PageAreaProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Specifies an area of the page where collection items can be placed.
PageAreaProperties.Alignment - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Specifies the alignment of the page area.
PageAreaProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Creates a new page area properties builder
pageCounterName(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties.Builder
Sets the page counter name for the sequence.
PagedMediaWriter - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
PagedMediaWriter is an interface for writing to a paged media.
PagedMediaWriterConfigurationException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
Provides an exception that indicates a problem configuring a paged media writer instance.
PagedMediaWriterConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
PagedMediaWriterConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
PagedMediaWriterConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
PagedMediaWriterConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
PagedMediaWriterException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
A PagedMediaWriterException is an exception that indicates conditions in a PagedMediaWriter that a reasonable application might want to catch.
PagedMediaWriterException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
PagedMediaWriterException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
PagedMediaWriterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause
PagedMediaWriterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
PagedMediaWriterFactory - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
Provides a PagedMediaWriter factory interface.
PagedMediaWriterFactoryMaker - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
Provides a PagedMediaWriter factory maker.
PagedMediaWriterFactoryMaker() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryMaker
Creates a new paged media writer factory maker.
PagedMediaWriterFactoryMakerService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
Provides an interface for a PagedMediaWriterFactoryMaker service.
PagedMediaWriterFactoryService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
Provides an interface for a PagedMediaWriterFactory service.
PageFormat - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
PageFormat extends a Paper with options selected by a user (if applicable).
PageFormat.Type - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Defines page format types
pageHeight - Variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaper
PagenumField - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a reference to some property of the physical pages in the final document.
PagenumField(NumeralStyle) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PagenumField
Creates a new page number field with the specified numeral style
PagenumField(NumeralStyle, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PagenumField
Creates a new page number field with the specified numeral and text styles
PAGES_IN_QUIRE - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures
Embosser feature key, corresponding value should be an integer
PageTemplateBuilder - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a page template builder.
pageWidth - Variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaper
Paper - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides an interface for a physical paper media.
Paper.Type - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Defines paper types.
PaperCatalog - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides a catalog of Paper factories.
PaperCatalog() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
Creates a new empty instance.
PaperCatalogService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides an interface for a PaperCatalog service.
PaperFilter - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides an interface for filtering a collection of Papers.
PaperProvider - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides an interface for a collection of Papers.
parse(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilderProperties.ApplicationRange
parse(XMLEventReader, Formatter) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ObflParser
Parses the input places its contents in the supplied formatter.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.Builder
Parses the string as translator mode segments and sets the builder accordingly.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode
Parses the string as a translator mode.
parse(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorType
Parses a string and tries to find a matching constant.
parsePosition(String) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Position
Parses the supplied String as a Position.
pattern(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Leader.Builder
Set the pattern for Leader instances created using this builder.
peek() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.FollowingText
Peeks the value of this item.
peek() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.ResolvableText
Peeks the value of this item.
PEF_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.MediaTypes
PEF (portable embosser format) media type
position(Position) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockPosition.Builder
Sets the vertical position of the block, 0 is the first row.
position(Position) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Leader.Builder
Set the Position for Leader instances created using this builder.
Position - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Position is a data object for an integer position.
Position(double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Position
Create a new Position with the supplied value
PrecedingText - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides information about an already processed item.
preferredEmptySpace(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties.Builder
Sets the preferred empty space of the table when the text content of cells are shorter than the largest possible column width
prepare(List<MetaDataItem>) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriter
Adds additional metadata items.
PrintPage - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
PrintPage(PageFormat, PrintPage.PrintDirection, EmbosserProperties.PrintMode) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.PrintPage
Creates a new print page with the specified parameters.
PrintPage(PageFormat) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.PrintPage
Creates a new print page with the specified page format and default print direction and print mode.
PrintPage.PrintDirection - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Direction of print
PrintPage.Shape - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
The shape of the paper
Provider<T extends FactoryProperties> - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.factory
Provides an interface for a collection of Factories.


ReferenceListBuilder - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a method to add a reference list.
remove(Paper) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
remove(Paper) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalogService
Removes the specified paper from the collection.
removeAllVariables() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.Expression
Removes all global variables
removeFactory(EmbosserProvider) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalog
Removes a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
removeFactory(HyphenatorFactoryService) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryMaker
Removes a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
removeFactory(PaperProvider) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
Removes a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
removeFactory(TableProvider) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableCatalog
Removes a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
removeFactory(Integer2TextFactoryService) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryMaker
Removes a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
removeFactory(BrailleFilterFactoryService) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryMaker
Removes a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
removeFactory(BrailleTranslatorFactoryService) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker
Removes a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
removeFactory(TextBorderFactoryService) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderFactoryMaker
Removes a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
removeFactory(PagedMediaWriterFactoryService) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryMaker
Removes a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework)
removeVariable(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.Expression
Removes a previously set variable
RenameFallbackRule - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a fallback rule that indicates that the collection should be reassigned to another identifier.
RenameFallbackRule(String, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.RenameFallbackRule
Creates a new instance with the specified parameters
render() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.DynamicContent
Renders the content without supplying any variables.
render(Context) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.DynamicContent
Renders the content in the supplied context.
renderGraphics(Raster) - Method in class
Renders the raster using braille characters.
RenderingScenario - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a rendering scenario.
renderScenario(FormatterCore) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.RenderingScenario
Renders the scenario into the supplied formatter.
ResolvableText - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an interface for texts that may change during the translation process.
resolve() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.PrecedingText
Resolves the item.
resolve() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.ResolvableText
Resolves the item.
rightBorder(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle.Builder
Sets the right border pattern
rightLastLineIndent(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the right last line indent for the block, in characters.
rightLastLineIndent(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties.Builder
Set the right last line indent for the block, in characters.
rightMargin(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the right margin for the block, in characters.
rightPadding(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the right padding for the block, in characters.
rightSpacing(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockSpacing.Builder
Set the right spacing for the block, in characters.
rightTextIndent(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the right text indent for the block, in characters.
rightTextIndent(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties.Builder
Set the right text indent for the block, in characters.
RollPaper - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides a paper object for paper in rolls.
RollPaper(String, String, String, Length) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.RollPaper
Creates a new roll paper
RollPaperFormat - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides a paper format for paper in rolls.
RollPaperFormat(RollPaper, Length) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.RollPaperFormat
Creates a new roll paper format
RollPaperFormat(Length, Length) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.RollPaperFormat
Creates a new roll paper format
Row - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
Defines a row of braille.
rowSpacing(float) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the row spacing for the block
rowSpacing(Float) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FieldList.Builder
Sets the row spacing for this field list
rowSpacing(float) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterProperties.Builder
Sets the row spacing, that is to say the distance between two consecutive rows of text.
rowSpacing(float) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties.Builder
Sets the row spacing for the resulting rows of text, that the table is made up of
rowSpacing(float) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties.Builder
Sets the row spacing for the block.
rowSpan(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties.Builder
Sets the row span


SADDLE_STITCH - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures
Embosser feature key, corresponding value should be a boolean
SectionProperties - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.writer
Specifies the configuration properties for a section of pages in a paged media.
SequenceProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
SequenceProperties stores properties that are specific for a sequence of blocks
SequenceProperties(SequenceProperties.Builder) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties
SequenceProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
The Builder is used when creating a SequenceProperites instance
SequenceProperties.SequenceBreakBefore - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides types of "break before" rules for sequences
setBeginLimit(int) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorInterface
Sets the begin limit.
setConfiguration(FormatterConfiguration) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Formatter
Sets the formatter configuration
setCreatedWithSPI() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserProvider
Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory.
setCreatedWithSPI() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.FileFormatProvider
Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory.
setCreatedWithSPI() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.engine.FormatterEngineFactoryService
Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory.
setCreatedWithSPI() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterFactory
Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory.
setCreatedWithSPI() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryService
Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory.
setCreatedWithSPI() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ExpressionFactory
Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory.
setCreatedWithSPI() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.ObflParserFactoryService
Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory.
setCreatedWithSPI() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryService
Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory.
setCreatedWithSPI() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryService
Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory.
setCreatedWithSPI() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryService
Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory.
setCreatedWithSPI() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderFactoryService
Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory.
setCreatedWithSPI() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryService
Informs the implementation that it was discovered and instantiated using information collected from a file within the META-INF/services directory.
setEndLimit(int) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorInterface
Sets the end limit.
setFeature(String, Object) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.Factory
Sets a feature for new Objects returned by this Factory
setFeature(String, Object) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactory
Sets the value of a hyphenation feature.
setFeature(String, Object) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactory
Sets the value of a integer2text feature.
setFeature(String, Object) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderFactory
Sets a feature.
setFeature(String, Object) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactory
Sets the value of a PagedMediaWriter feature.
setPageArea(PageAreaProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.LayoutMasterBuilder
Sets the page area.
setProperties(TransitionBuilderProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilder
Sets the properties for this transition builder.
setRowGap(int) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserWriter
Sets the row gap for following calls to newLine to the specified value, measured as an integer multiple of the dot-to-dot height.
setVariable(String, Object) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.obfl.Expression
Sets a globally accessible variable for this instance
SheetPaper - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides a paper object for cut-sheet paper.
SheetPaper(String, String, String, Length, Length) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaper
Creates a new cut-sheet paper.
SheetPaperFormat - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides a paper format for cut-sheet paper.
SheetPaperFormat(SheetPaper, SheetPaperFormat.Orientation) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat
Creates a new cut-sheet paper.
SheetPaperFormat(Length, Length) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat
Creates a new cut-sheet paper.
SheetPaperFormat(Length, Length, SheetPaperFormat.Orientation) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat
Creates a new cut-sheet paper.
SheetPaperFormat.Orientation - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
The width/height orientation of the page
shouldMarkCapitalLetters() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Translatable
Returns true if the text should mark capital letters.
sixDotFilter(List<String>) - Static method in class
Filters the input braille image by discarding dots 7 and 8.
sortBy(FactoryProperties.ComparatorBuilder.SortProperty) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties.ComparatorBuilder
Sets the sort by value for the builder.
sortOrder(FactoryProperties.ComparatorBuilder.SortOrder) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties.ComparatorBuilder
Sets the sort order value for the builder.
SpanProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides span properties.
SpanProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a builder for span properties.
StandardLineBreaks - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides standard line break definitions
StandardLineBreaks() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.StandardLineBreaks
Creates a new object with the system's default line break style.
StandardLineBreaks(StandardLineBreaks.Type) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.StandardLineBreaks
Creates a new object with the specified line break style
StandardLineBreaks.Type - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Defines standard line break types
startBlock(BlockProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockBuilder
Start a new block with the supplied BlockProperties.
startBlock(BlockProperties, String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockBuilder
Start a new block with the supplied BlockProperties.
startEntry(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableOfContents
Starts a new entry with the supplied properties.
startEntryOnResumed(TocEntryOnResumedRange) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableOfContents
Starts a new entry-on-resumed with the supplied properties.
startItem(BlockProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ContentCollection
Starts a new item with the supplied properties.
startSpan(SpanProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Starts a span section
startStyle(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockContentBuilder
Starts a style section
startTable(TableProperties) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterCore
Starts a new table with the supplied properties.
StringField - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a static string field.
StringField(Object) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.StringField
Creates a new string field using the specified object.
StringField(String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.StringField
Creates a new string field using the specified string.
StringField(Object, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.StringField
Creates a new string field using the specified object and text style.
StringField(String, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.StringField
Creates a new string field using the specified object and text style.
style(BorderSpecification.Style) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder.BuilderView
Sets the border style for the active edge.
style(BorderSpecification.Style) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification.Builder
Sets the border style.
supports8dot() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserProperties
Returns true if this embosser supports 8 dot braille
supports8dot() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.FileFormatProperties
Returns true if 8-dot is supported, false otherwise.
supportsAligning() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserProperties
Returns true if this embosser supports aligning.
supportsAligning() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserWriterProperties
Returns true if this embosser supports aligning.
supportsDuplex() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserProperties
Returns true if this embosser supports duplex printing
supportsDuplex() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.FileFormatProperties
Returns true if duplex is supported, false otherwise.
supportsEightDot() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.table.BrailleConverter
Returns true if 8-dot braille is supported, false otherwise
supportsLocale(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.hyphenator.HyphenatorFactoryService
Returns true if this instance can create instances for the specified locale.
supportsLocale(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.text.Integer2TextFactoryService
Returns true if this instance can create instances for the specified locale.
supportsMediaType(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.PagedMediaWriterFactoryService
Returns true if this instance can create instances for the specified mediaType.
supportsMetric(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorResult
Returns true if this result supports the given metric, false otherwise.
supportsPageFormat(PageFormat) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.Embosser
Returns true if the page format is supported.
supportsPaper(Paper) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.Embosser
Returns thue if the paper is supported.
supportsPrintMode(EmbosserProperties.PrintMode) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserProperties
Returns true if this embosser supports magazine layout.
supportsPrintPage(PrintPage) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.Embosser
Returns true if dimension is supported
supportsSpecification(String, String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryMaker
supportsSpecification(String, String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryMakerService
Returns true if the filter factory supports the given specification.
supportsSpecification(String, String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleFilterFactoryService
Returns true if the filter factory supports the given specification.
supportsSpecification(String, String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker
supportsSpecification(String, String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMakerService
Returns true if the translator factory supports the given specification.
supportsSpecification(String, String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryService
Returns true if the translator factory supports the given specification.
supportsTable(Table) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.Embosser
Returns true if table is supported
supportsTable(Table) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.FileFormat
Returns true if the table is supported, false otherwise.
supportsUserPapers() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalog
supportsUserPapers() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PaperCatalogService
Returns true if user papers are supported, false otherwise.
supportsVolumes() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserProperties
Returns true if this embosser has some method for volume handling
supportsZFolding() - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserProperties
Returns true if this embosser supports z-folding.


TABLE - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures
Embosser feature key, corresponding value should match a table identifier
Table - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.table
Provides an interface for common properties of a Table.
TableCatalog - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.table
Provides a catalog of Table factories.
TableCatalog() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableCatalog
Creates a new empty instance.
TableCatalogService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.table
Provides an interface for a TableCatalog service.
TableCellProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides properties needed for a table cell.
TableCellProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a builder for creating table properties
tableColSpacing(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties.Builder
Sets the table column spacing
TableFilter - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.table
Provides an interface for filtering a collection of Tables.
TableOfContents - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides methods needed to add a TOC to a formatter.
TableProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides properties needed for a table.
TableProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.table
Provides common table features.
TableProperties() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.table.TableProperties
TableProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a builder for creating table properties
TableProvider - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.table
Provides an interface for a Table service.
tableRowSpacing(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableProperties.Builder
Sets the table row spacing
text(String) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Translatable
Creates a new Translatable.Builder with the specified text.
text(TextWithContext) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatableWithContext
Creates a new Translatable.Builder with the specified text.
TEXT_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.writer.MediaTypes
Plain text media type.
TextAttribute - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an interface for text attributes.
textBlockProperties(TextBlockProperties) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TableCellProperties.Builder
Gets the text block properties builder
TextBlockProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides text block properties.
TextBlockProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a builder for text block properties
TextBorderConfigurationException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an exception that indicates a problem configuring a new text border instance.
TextBorderConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderConfigurationException
TextBorderConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderConfigurationException
TextBorderConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderConfigurationException
TextBorderConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderConfigurationException
TextBorderFactory - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a factory for text borders.
TextBorderFactoryMaker - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a text border factory maker.
TextBorderFactoryMaker() - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderFactoryMaker
Creates a new text border factory maker.
TextBorderFactoryMakerService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an interface for a TextBorderFactoryMaker service.
TextBorderFactoryService - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an interface for a TextBorderFactory service.
textBorderStyle(TextBorderStyle) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the text border style for the block.
TextBorderStyle - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Defines a text border.
TextBorderStyle.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a builder for text borders.
textIndent(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the text indent for the block, in characters.
textIndent(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextBlockProperties.Builder
Set the text indent for the block, in characters.
TextProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines properties for a chunk of text.
TextProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a builder for creating text properties instances.
TextWithContext - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a translatable text including context.
toBraille(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.table.BrailleConverter
Transcodes the given text string as braille.
TocEntryOnResumedRange - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines a range of toc-entry-on-resumed elements
TocEntryOnResumedRange(String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TocEntryOnResumedRange
TocProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines properties specific for a TOC sequence.
TocProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a builder for creating TOC properties instances.
TocProperties.TocRange - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines TOC ranges.
topBorder(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle.Builder
Sets the top of the border
topLeftCorner(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle.Builder
Sets the top left corner for the border
topMargin(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the top margin for the block, in characters.
topPadding(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Set the top padding for the block, in characters.
topRightCorner(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TextBorderStyle.Builder
Sets the top right corner for the border
topSpacing(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockSpacing.Builder
Set the top spacing for the block, in characters.
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.AbstractFactory
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.StringField
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.RollPaper
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.RollPaperFormat
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaper
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaper
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaperFormat
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultAttributeWithContext
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.DefaultTextAttribute
toString() - Method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.DotsPerCell
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode
toString() - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorSpecification
toString() - Method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorType
toText(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.table.BrailleConverter
Transcodes the given braille into text.
TractorPaper - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides a paper object for perforated paper with paper guides.
TractorPaper(String, String, String, Length, Length) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaper
Creates a new tractor paper
TractorPaperFormat - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.paper
Provides a paper format for tractor paper.
TractorPaperFormat(TractorPaper) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaperFormat
Creates a new tractor paper format.
TractorPaperFormat(Length, Length) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.TractorPaperFormat
Creates a new tractor paper format.
TransitionBuilder - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a definition for volume transitions.
TransitionBuilderProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides properties for a transition builder.
TransitionBuilderProperties.ApplicationRange - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines the application range starting from the end of the volume.
TransitionBuilderProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a builder for transition builder properties.
Translatable - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a specification for a text to translate.
Translatable.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a builder for translatable objects
TranslatableWithContext - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a specification for a list of texts to translate.
TranslatableWithContext.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a builder for translatable objects
translate(Translatable) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslator
Translates a text into braille using the supplied specification.
translate(TranslatableWithContext) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslator
Translates a text into braille using the supplied specification.
TranslationException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an exception indicating a translation problem.
TranslationException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslationException
TranslationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslationException
TranslationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslationException
TranslationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslationException
translationMode(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TextProperties.Builder
Sets the translation mode for the builder
TranslatorConfigurationException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides an exception that indicates a problem configuring a new translator instance.
TranslatorConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
TranslatorConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
TranslatorConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
TranslatorConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
TranslatorMode - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides information about a translator mode.
TranslatorMode.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a translator mode builder.
TranslatorMode.DotsPerCell - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a definition of the number of dots in a braille cell.
TranslatorSpecification - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a translator specification.
TranslatorSpecification(String, String) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorSpecification
Creates a new translator specification with the supplied values.
TranslatorSpecification(String, TranslatorMode) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorSpecification
Creates a new translator specification with the supplied values.
TranslatorType - Enum in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides braille translator types, see also TranslatorMode.
transmit(File) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.Device
Transmits a file to the Device
type(TranslatorType) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.Builder
Sets the translator type.


underlineStyle(String) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the underline pattern for the block.
UNSUPPORTED_CELL_FALLBACK_METHOD - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures
Embosser feature key, corresponding value should match a value in EightDotFallbackMethod
UNSUPPORTED_CELL_REPLACEMENT - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures
Embosser feature key, corresponding value should be a character in the range 0x2800-0x283F
UnsupportedMetricException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.translator
Provides a runtime exception for unsupported metrics.
UnsupportedMetricException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.UnsupportedMetricException
Constructs an UnsupportedMetricException with no detail message.
UnsupportedMetricException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.UnsupportedMetricException
Constructs an UnsupportedMetricException with the specified detail message.
UnsupportedMetricException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.UnsupportedMetricException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
UnsupportedMetricException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.UnsupportedMetricException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
UnsupportedPaperException - Exception in org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser
Provides an unsupported paper exception
UnsupportedPaperException() - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.UnsupportedPaperException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
UnsupportedPaperException(String) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.UnsupportedPaperException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
UnsupportedPaperException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.UnsupportedPaperException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
UnsupportedPaperException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.UnsupportedPaperException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
UnsupportedPaperException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.UnsupportedPaperException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, suppression enabled or disabled, and writable stack trace enabled or disabled.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EightDotFallbackMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserProperties.PrintMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.PrintPage.PrintDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.PrintPage.Shape
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.StandardLineBreaks.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties.ComparatorBuilder.SortOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties.ComparatorBuilder.SortProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockPosition.VerticalAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.CurrentPageField.PagenumType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormattingTypes.Alignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormattingTypes.BreakBefore
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormattingTypes.Keep
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormattingTypes.ListStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ItemSequenceProperties.Range
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Leader.Alignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReference.MarkerSearchDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReference.MarkerSearchScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.NumeralStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageAreaProperties.Alignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties.SequenceBreakBefore
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TocProperties.TocRange
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilderProperties.ApplicationRange
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length.UnitsOfLength
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PageFormat.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Paper.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat.Orientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification.Align
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification.Style
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.DotsPerCell
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EightDotFallbackMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserProperties.PrintMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.PrintPage.PrintDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.PrintPage.Shape
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.StandardLineBreaks.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties.ComparatorBuilder.SortOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.factory.FactoryProperties.ComparatorBuilder.SortProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockPosition.VerticalAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.CurrentPageField.PagenumType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormattingTypes.Alignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormattingTypes.BreakBefore
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormattingTypes.Keep
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormattingTypes.ListStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.ItemSequenceProperties.Range
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Leader.Alignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReference.MarkerSearchDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.MarkerReference.MarkerSearchScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.NumeralStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.PageAreaProperties.Alignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties.SequenceBreakBefore
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TocProperties.TocRange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilderProperties.ApplicationRange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Length.UnitsOfLength
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.PageFormat.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.Paper.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat.Orientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification.Align
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification.Style
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.DotsPerCell
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verticalAlignment(BlockPosition.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the vertical alignment for this block.
verticalPosition(Position) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the vertical position for this block.
VolumeContentBuilder - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides methods needed to build volume anchored content, such as cover pages and TOC.
volumeKeepPriority(Integer) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the volume keep priority for the block.
VolumeTemplateBuilder - Interface in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides methods for building a volume template.
VolumeTemplateProperties - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Defines properties for a volume template.
VolumeTemplateProperties(VolumeTemplateProperties.Builder) - Constructor for class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.VolumeTemplateProperties
VolumeTemplateProperties.Builder - Class in org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter
Provides a builder for creating volume template properties instances.


widows(int) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.BlockProperties.Builder
Sets the widows property
width(Integer) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.Border.Builder.BuilderView
Sets the border width for the active edge.
width(Integer) - Method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BorderSpecification.Builder
Sets the width of the border.
with(String, String) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.FormatterConfiguration
Creates a new builder with the specified properties
with(TransitionBuilderProperties) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.TransitionBuilderProperties.Builder
Creates a new builder based on the supplied configuration.
withGrade(double) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.Builder
Creates a new translator mode builder with the specified contraction grade.
withGrade(double) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode
Creates a new mode with the specified translation grade
withIdentifier(String) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.Builder
Creates a new translator mode builder with the specified identifier.
withType(TranslatorType) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode.Builder
Creates a new translator mode builder with the specified type.
withType(TranslatorType) - Static method in class org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorMode
Creates a new mode with the specified type.
write(String) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserWriter
Writes a string of braille to the embosser.
write(PagedMediaWriter) - Method in interface org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.Formatter
Writes the current result to a paged media


Z_FOLDING - Static variable in class org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures
Embosser feature key, corresponding value should be a boolean
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