Class DotMapperConfiguration

  • public class DotMapperConfiguration
    extends Object
    Provides a configuration for a DotMapper.
    • Method Detail

      • builder

        public static DotMapperConfiguration.Builder builder()
        Creates a new builder with the default configuration. The default configuration maps 8-dot unicode patterns to 6-dot unicode patterns: Dots 7 and 8 of the first cell are shifted to dots 1 and 4 of the first cell of the following line. Dots 1 and 4 of the first cell of the second line are subsequently shifted to dots 2 and 5 of the first cell of the second line and so on.
        returns a new builder
      • getBitMap

        public int[] getBitMap()
        Gets the bit pattern mapper. This map defines how input dots in a braille cell are translated to a bit in the output character's bit pattern. When an input dot is present, the corresponding bit in the output character should be set.
        the bit map
      • getCellHeight

        public int getCellHeight()
        Gets the output cell height. This represents the height of the window used to construct an output character from the dot grid.
        the cell height
      • getCellWidth

        public int getCellWidth()
        Gets the output cell width. This represents the width of the window used to construct an output character from the dot grid.
        the cell width
      • getInputCellHeight

        public int getInputCellHeight()
        Gets the height of the input cell. If the value is less than 4, some dots at the bottom of the cell will be ignored.
        the input cell height
      • getBaseCharacter

        public char getBaseCharacter()
        Gets the base character. This character is used when all "bits" in the pattern are zero.
        the base character