Class FormatterFactoryMaker

  • public class FormatterFactoryMaker
    extends Object

    Provides a factory for formatters. The factory will instantiate the first Formatter it encounters when querying the services API.

    Like all maker classes in the api, this class is only used directly in SPI context. Unlike some other classes however, this class does not implement a service interface that can be used from OSGi. The reason for this is that the implementation simply returns a single instance of the lower level interface with references populated with SPI. To use in OSGi context, request the lower level service directly from the DS registry.

    • Constructor Detail

      • FormatterFactoryMaker

        public FormatterFactoryMaker()
        Creates a new formatter factory maker.
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        public static FormatterFactoryMaker newInstance()
        Creates a new instance of a formatter factory maker.
        returns a new formatter factory maker
      • getFactory

        public FormatterFactory getFactory()
        Gets a formatter factory.
        returns a formatter factory
      • newFormatter

        public Formatter newFormatter​(String locale,
                                      String mode)
        Creates a new formatter with the specified options.
        locale - the locale
        mode - the braille mode
        returns a new formatter