Class Leader.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Leader.Builder
    extends Object
    The Builder is used when creating a Leader instance.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
        Create a new Builder.
    • Method Detail

      • position

        public Leader.Builder position​(Position pos)
        Set the Position for Leader instances created using this builder. For example, position "0" is at the beginning of a row and "100%" is at the very end of a row.
        pos - the Position for the leader
        returns the Builder
      • align

        public Leader.Builder align​(Leader.Alignment align)
        Set the Alignment for Leader instances created using this builder. The alignment effects the placement of the text following the leader.
        align - the Alignment for the leader
        returns the Builder
      • pattern

        public Leader.Builder pattern​(String pattern)
        Set the pattern for Leader instances created using this builder. The pattern is used to fill up the space between the text preceding the leader and the text following it.
        pattern - the pattern for the leader
        returns the Builder
      • build

        public Leader build()
        Build Leader using the current state of the Builder.
        returns a new Leader instance