Class TextProperties.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class TextProperties.Builder
    extends Object
    Provides a builder for creating text properties instances.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder​(String locale)
        Creates a new builder with the specified locale.
        locale - the locale for the builder
    • Method Detail

      • hyphenate

        public TextProperties.Builder hyphenate​(boolean value)
        Sets the hyphenate value for this builder.
        value - the value
        returns this object
      • markCapitalLetters

        public TextProperties.Builder markCapitalLetters​(boolean value)
        Sets the markCapitalLetters value for this builder. Mark capital letters are a method for some languages to add marks for the reader to read upper case letters. For instance, the beginning of a sentence could start with an upper case mark before the first word indicating that the first letter is upper case. In some productions, these marks are not appreciated. For instance, new readers might not have learned how to interpret these marks, making the reading experience harder. This field could be changed to false to make all text lower cases to ensure no marks are added.
        value - the value, default value is true
        returns this object
      • translationMode

        public TextProperties.Builder translationMode​(String mode)
        Sets the translation mode for the builder.
        mode - the translation mode
        returns this object
      • build

        public TextProperties build()
        Builds a new TextProperties object using the current status of this builder.
        returns a TextProperties instance