Interface HyphenatorInterface

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractHyphenator, DummyHyphenator

    public interface HyphenatorInterface
    Provides a hyphenator. The hyphenator hyphenates text using rules specific to the language that the hyphenator supports.
    • Method Detail

      • hyphenate

        String hyphenate​(String phrase)
        Hyphenates the phrase, inserting soft hyphens at all possible breakpoints.
        phrase - the phrase to hyphenate
        the hyphenated string
      • getBeginLimit

        int getBeginLimit()
        Gets the begin limit. In other words, the number of unbreakable characters at the beginning of each word.
        returns the begin limit
      • setBeginLimit

        void setBeginLimit​(int beginLimit)
        Sets the begin limit. In other words, the number of unbreakable characters at the beginning of each word.
        beginLimit - the begin limit
      • getEndLimit

        int getEndLimit()
        Gets the end limit. In other words, the number of unbreakable characters at the end of each word.
        returns the end limit
      • setEndLimit

        void setEndLimit​(int endLimit)
        Sets the end limit. In other words, the number of unbreakable characters at the end of each word.
        endLimit - the end limit