Class AbstractHyphenator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class AbstractHyphenator
    extends Object
    implements HyphenatorInterface
    Provides an abstract base for hyphenators. The abstract implementation provides getters and setters for simple properties of the hyphenator interface, reducing the amount of code in the concrete implementation with a few lines.
    • Field Detail

      • beginLimit

        protected int beginLimit
      • endLimit

        protected int endLimit
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractHyphenator

        public AbstractHyphenator()
    • Method Detail

      • getBeginLimit

        public int getBeginLimit()
        Description copied from interface: HyphenatorInterface
        Gets the begin limit. In other words, the number of unbreakable characters at the beginning of each word.
        Specified by:
        getBeginLimit in interface HyphenatorInterface
        returns the begin limit
      • setBeginLimit

        public void setBeginLimit​(int beginLimit)
        Description copied from interface: HyphenatorInterface
        Sets the begin limit. In other words, the number of unbreakable characters at the beginning of each word.
        Specified by:
        setBeginLimit in interface HyphenatorInterface
        beginLimit - the begin limit
      • getEndLimit

        public int getEndLimit()
        Description copied from interface: HyphenatorInterface
        Gets the end limit. In other words, the number of unbreakable characters at the end of each word.
        Specified by:
        getEndLimit in interface HyphenatorInterface
        returns the end limit
      • setEndLimit

        public void setEndLimit​(int endLimit)
        Description copied from interface: HyphenatorInterface
        Sets the end limit. In other words, the number of unbreakable characters at the end of each word.
        Specified by:
        setEndLimit in interface HyphenatorInterface
        endLimit - the end limit