Class SheetPaper

    • Field Detail

      • pageWidth

        protected final Length pageWidth
      • pageHeight

        protected final Length pageHeight
    • Constructor Detail

      • SheetPaper

        public SheetPaper​(String name,
                          String desc,
                          String identifier,
                          Length pageWidth,
                          Length pageHeight)
        Creates a new cut-sheet paper.
        name - a name
        desc - a description
        identifier - an identifier
        pageWidth - the width of the paper in the default orientation
        pageHeight - the height of the paper in the default orientation
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public Paper.Type getType()
        Description copied from interface: Paper
        Gets the type of paper.
        returns the type of paper
      • getPageWidth

        public Length getPageWidth()
        Gets the width of the paper in the default orientation.
        returns the width
      • getPageHeight

        public Length getPageHeight()
        Gets the height of the paper in default orientation.
        returns the height