Class TableCatalog

    • Constructor Detail

      • TableCatalog

        public TableCatalog()
        Creates a new empty instance. This method is public because it is required by OSGi. In an SPI context, use newInstance()
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        public static TableCatalog newInstance()

        Creates a new TableCatalog and populates it using the SPI (java service provider interface).

        In an OSGi context, an instance should be retrieved using the service registry. It will be registered under the TableCatalogService interface.

        returns a new TableCatalog
      • addFactory

        public void addFactory​(TableProvider factory)
        Adds a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework).
        factory - the factory to add
      • removeFactory

        public void removeFactory​(TableProvider factory)
        Removes a factory (intended for use by the OSGi framework).
        factory - the factory to remove
      • get

        public Table get​(String identifier)
        Description copied from interface: FactoryCatalog
        Gets the Factory with this identifier.
        Specified by:
        get in interface FactoryCatalog<Table>
        identifier - the identifier for the requested Factory
        returns the Factory with this identifier, or null if none is found
      • newTable

        public Table newTable​(String identifier)
        Description copied from interface: TableCatalogService
        Creates a new table with the specified identifier.
        Specified by:
        newTable in interface TableCatalogService
        identifier - the identifier
        returns a new table