Class PageDetails

  • public class PageDetails
    extends Object
    TODO: Write java doc.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PageDetails

        public PageDetails​(boolean duplex,
                           PageId pageId,
                           BlockLineLocation loc,
                           int pageNumberOffset)
        duplex - Double sided output.
        pageId - ID of the page.
        loc - Block location for the start of this page.
        pageNumberOffset - The offset that needs to be added to the 1-based index of the page within the sequence to obtain the desired page number.
    • Method Detail

      • getPageId

        public PageId getPageId()
      • getPageNumber

        public int getPageNumber()
      • getPageLocation

        public BlockLineLocation getPageLocation()
        BlockLineLocation of the last line of the previous page.
        page location for last line of previous page.
      • startsContentMarkers

        public void startsContentMarkers()
        Sets content markers to begin at the current index in the markers list.
      • startsContentIdentifiers

        public void startsContentIdentifiers()
        Sets content identifiers to begin at the current index in the identifiers list.
      • getMarkers

        public List<Marker> getMarkers()
        Get all markers for this page.
        returns a list of all markers on a page
      • getIdentifiers

        public List<String> getIdentifiers()
        Get all identifiers for this page.
        returns a list of all identifiers on a page
      • getContentIdentifiers

        public List<String> getContentIdentifiers()
        Get identifiers for this page excluding identifiers before text content.
        returns a list of identifiers on a page
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object