Class SheetDataSource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SheetDataSource
    extends Object
    implements SplitPointDataSource<Sheet,​SheetDataSource>
    Provides a data source for Sheets. Given a list of BlockSequences, sheets are produced one by one.

    The input is:

    • The list of BlockSequences contained in a volume group or in the pre- or post-content of a volume. A volume group is a set of block sequences starting with a hard volume break (break-before="volume").
    • A PageCounter
    • The index of the volume group (0-based) or null if the input comes from pre- or post-content.

    The computed VolumeKeepPriority of a sheet is the priority of the back side page, or the priority of the front side page if that value is higher (lower priority) and if <volume-transition range="sheet"/>.